1.2K Seriously! This warning from a pediatrician's office for kid athletes who got the mRNA vax about getting tested to clear them for heart damage before sports. pic.twitter.com/H78ErI33nw— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) March 3, 2022 COVID-1984CoVIDdissonanceVax Harm 0 comments 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail Carla Gericke previous post Ep. 15 The Carla Gericke Show: Big Pharma’s Fancy Footnotes Tell Stories next post Pre-Gaming Before Liberty Forum 2022 You may also like They Thought They Could Bury Us: The Pine... 12/15/2024 AI&I: GROK’s Current Take on AI Ethics 12/15/2024 Musing Myself to Death: Are You Following Me... 12/12/2024 NH Liberty Forum Is Baaaaack! 12/11/2024 What If Vaccines Are Doing Their Job: Making... 12/10/2024 AI&I: Operation Mongoose and the Poisoning of Cubans 12/10/2024 What’s True in a World Where They Control... 12/09/2024 Child of the Internet Says… 12/05/2024 The Trouble With Censorship: It Ushers in Idiocracy 12/04/2024 AI&I: Brain Damage and the Covid Regime 12/03/2024