“The Culture High” (2014) is one of the best documentaries I’ve seen on the marijuana debate, connecting many of the disparate dots. I’m left with a sense of frustration–WHY is legalization taking so long? (Hint: special interests of the poli-crony-elite persuasion.) And a sense of hope–many in the film believe we will see global legalization (in some form) in our lifetimes. I’m also hopeful on a smaller scale because of today’s decriminalization of small amounts of MJ in NH (3/4oz, or a “Bradley,” in honor of the senator who reduced the amount from the standard 1oz). In the movie, they cover David Nutt’s firing for doing the science behind drugs and coming up with the following chart. Yes, you read that right. Alcohol is by far the most harmful drug. Yet, here in NH, the government peddles booze by the highway. The same government that is considering introducing KENO gambling to pay for full-day kindergarten. In case you don’t know it yet, the state thinks “bad things” can be “good” for you, as long as “they” run it on your behalf (and take the tax money). Don’t be fooled, folks. We MUST resist any form of MJ legalization that does not include a homegrown provision. The film also discuss how FACTS don’t matter to politicians. They simply want “evidence” to support the policies that are already in place. This is why it is so difficult to shift people in power’s perspectives–it’s hard admitting you were wrong. But it is the right thing to do. Which means…I will no longer tolerate ignorance by any NH politician, reporter, or state employee on this issue. If you utter the words “Gateway Drug,” expect to be ridiculed. If you support putting peaceful people in jail for MJ, expect to be ridiculed. YOU NO LONGER HAVE ANY EXCUSE FOR YOUR IGNORANCE. (If you don’t know where to start, watch “The Culture High,” it’s full of people like you, former cops, policymakers and politicians who have the DECENCY to admit they were duped and are now doing the right thing.) I was deeply saddened by yesterday’s news about Ross Ulbricht’s appeal being turned down, but ultimately, thanks to the Internet, the battle to free minds and to #FreeRoss continues to tilt in our favor. As Lyn said to me yesterday: We won’t stop the fight. I add: Never give up. Peaceful resistance will prevail. There are more of us, than them! Viva la EVOLution!