If you need a primer to crystallize what promoters of free markets, personal choice, individual liberties, self-ownership, and the dignity of human freedom are up against, I give you the manipulation of search results by Google as Exhibit A. (I did this experiment myself.)
The top image is the prompt Google fills in for you when you start typing the words, “How many people died under c…”. The bottom image shows that you have to type the full sentence with no prompts in order to research how many people died under communism. Clearly, you are being manipulated into thinking capitalism, which has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system, is bad.
Now, further consider, communism and its ugly baby sister, socialism, have killed magnitudes greater amounts by HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS than capitalism has, and then ask yourself… Who benefits if these facts are distorted and/or memory-holed?
Control Freaks, statists, socialists, and communists benefit. Big corporations, who collude with Big Gov, of course, also benefit. Everyone needs to use the internet in a lockdown, eh?
Who loses? We do. Ordinary, good, decent, hardworking folk. The ones who pay our bills. Who try to save a little. Who maintain our health. We are being squeezed between the mob of “useful idiots” and the oligarchy.
The issue of self-ownership is not a left/right issue. It is “us” against “forceful global powers that want to control every aspect of your life” issue. They claim this control will benefit us all in the name of “safety” but they are lying to you. They are manipulating you. They are gaslighting you. They are abusing you.
Now, you may end up “feeling safe” for a little while, but you will not be safe. You will be a slave. A cog in the system. You will no longer be free, and what is the point of living if not the joyous, somewhat dangerous pursuit of happiness?
None of us get out alive, so we may as well enjoy the ride!
Liberty, freedom, consent, mutual cooperation and voluntary exchange are being presented to you as bad things, but we all know deep within our core this is untrue. Nothing is more rewarding than being the steward of your own life, and this right is being exterminated.
If we lose our inalienable right to body autonomy and the right to say NO to forced medical interventions based on our own consciences, we will not regain these rights without much suffering. I don’t want more suffering, I want less.
More freedom = less suffering.
THIS is the battle. Standing together NOW and saying, NO MORE! Please, please, please, join the fight! Say NO to any more government mandates, vaccine passports, or lockdowns. If you are told you must get the bio-injection, file for medical or religious exceptions. If you are rejected, force your employer to fire you. Then sue.
Together, we CAN reverse this terrible trend. Maybe not everywhere, but definitely, 100% we can, and WILL, stay free in the Free State of New Hampshire! Who is with me!?!