How do you get a politician to answer your questions? You invite them to your party… which is what I did! Watch the video to see history in the making!
I was listening to a Twitter Spaces recently where the speakers were lamenting about how bad the online censorship has been, and how little the Common Man understands this. During that talk, a panelist claimed that the hashtag “TRUMP2024” was suppressed on Twitter in… 2019!
2019… The same year Adam Schiffty-Schiff banned antivax documentaries from streaming platforms, wut???
During the same talk, it was mentioned that the Wayback Machine, a nonprofit organization my husband and I have regularly donated to, now allows you to edit the past post, thereby rendering it useless! I haven’t been able to independently confirm this, so if you have the scoop, let me know.
A real danger is that online dictionaries are now susceptible to manipulation real-time as well, as we saw during Covidmania when the plain meaning of words were changed to support Regime propaganda. See e.g. “Vaccine” (removed references to “natural immunity”) or “Pandemic” (changed to remove “causing severe illness”) or “Antivaxxer” (added anyone who is against mandates).
This means that unless you have independent KNOWLEDGE of something, the Internet is no longer your friend. Proceed with caution.
Carla gives Tammy a quick history lesson on South Africa’s apartheid era vernacular in response to criticism of the word “junkie” to describe a person who died from an overdose only to be revived. Is vagrant better? You cannot fix problems if you cannot call things by their proper names. Corrupting language is a tool of tyrants.
“Public health” is an oxymoron. What is “the public” if not made up of individuals? What is “health” if not the state of one’s own body? How can the most personal of things be collectivized in a way that makes YOU deny YOUR OWN INDIVIDUAL PHYSICAL NEEDS for a GROUP?
If ever, you thought, “Ugh, why am I wearing this mask?” but continued to obey, you have some soul searching to do.
If ever you thought, “Wait, these rules in restaurants make no sense,” but continued to obey, you have some soul searching to do.
If you ever thought, “I can’t believe the kids’ schools are still closed,” but continued to obey, you have some soul searching to do.
While searching your soul, perhaps consider the following:
1. Who controls the fear factor in your brain?
2. How were you manipulated into acting against your own physical interests in the name of “care for others”?
3. If you were suckered into such behavior, what can you do to not repeat your failures in the future?
4. What steps are you taking to optimize your health?
5. If your body is a temple but “the public’s” body is a dumpster fire, is it your obligation to risk your health for theirs? (No.)
6. What does it mean if we live in a system where the healthy, responsible, contributing people are being sacrificed on the altar of bad policies protecting those making the poorest choices?
7. Why are only the poorest choices encouraged? Keep in mind, your “public health” officials closed public parks, gyms & green space, told ppl to stay inside, told you not to get sunlight, outlawed safe & cheap medicines that worked, told you to cover your life force with a dirty rag for hours on end, and tried to scare you to death.
I hope YOU will pledge to always mindfully put yourself first. If anyone tells you to do something that “doesn’t feel right,” TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS and DISOBEY. Welcome to the resistance! Live free and thrive!
This week, we delve into Manchester’s homelessness numbers provided to the Aldermen yesterday and condemn Joyce Craig’s reign of error and bad policies that exacerbate the problem, because, as we like to say… incentives matter: what’s the carrot and what is the stick?
NBC10 BOSTON recently did an 11-part docuseries on the Free State Project. In this week’s TCGS, Tom Woods and I discuss the experience, some tricks and tips, and how to navigate the corporate media landscape.