Kidding, not kidding! Did you know years ago, I was arrested, handcuffed to a pole for hours, physically threatened behind the Weare PD station by three burly cops, charged with felony wiretapping carrying a 7-year sentence, all for filming cops during a late night traffic stop? I fought them all the way to the First Circuit and prevailed in a landmark First Amendment suit that equally and positively affects the rights of ALL thirteen MILLION people of the First Circuit. Police also no longer have the claim of qualified immunity in filming cops cases, meaning they can be held personally liable as well because it is super egregious to take your camera or footage. You can read the decision, Carla Gericke vs. Begin et al, HERE.
Ready for my photo shoot with the Boston Globe. In the past few weeks, I’ve spoken to the Globe, the New Yorker, the New York Sun, and local media on topics ranging from Croydon, Gunstock, the Democrats, mean tweets, secession, woke churches, and more!
The media are out for blood against Free Staters… Individuals who just want to reduce the size and scope of government… how awful! So awful that people are calling me to say they wish my mother had aborted me. Real classy stuff.
Really makes you wonder what the people critiquing us stand for… Here’s a hint: war, slavery, subjugation, and control.
Don’t let the bad guys con you into thinking that’s good!
Trust your instincts and know this: Free Staters come in peace. We’re the vanguard to remind you liberty is worth preserving so that together, we can Live Free and Thrive!
“Slavery cannot tolerate free speech” because today’s slaves are TOLD what to think through 24/7 propaganda and then obediently parrot it back.
Knowing what YOU think based on YOUR KNOWLEDGE is freedom.
When you don’t know your own mind you are susceptible to… other people’s suggestions… dare I say “mind control”?
It’s not as obvious as the cartoons portrayed with a helmet on your head, but it IS the Squawk Box and the news cycle and its often repeated, looped, “mind control” phrases…
Consider one term you now frequently see lobbed verbatim and without any supporting evidence from the Left across media channels: “It’s a racist dog-whistle…”
I bring it up because this phrase was used in a recent Union Leader article in an overt attempt to make up news…
A website that promotes the Free State Project has begun identifying “woke” churches in New Hampshire, a move that has alarmed the multi-denominational National Council of Churches.
— (@UnionLeader) August 26, 2022
The Free State Project’s official Twitter account tweeted out a list made by a participant about NH Churches. You can view the list HERE. As you can see with your own eyes, it’s a comprehensive list of Christian Churches, and, when you click on the individual churches listed, one column denotes whether the church is “woke/based”. The FSP didn’t make the list, a Christian participant of the project did. The goal of tweeting it out was to provide information for potential movers. Some want to attend a woke church, some don’t. As it is in a free society. No malice was intended, but when the news media picks up on a non-story, turns it into an international news story–for real, I got a Google Alert from a news outlet in India–and includes the “racist dog whistle” line, you know a propaganda game is afoot.
Let’s parse this out… The quoter is: 1. Calling their opponent a dog(?); 2. Claiming to be a mind reader who “knows” the quotee can hear something no one else can hear (i.e. imaginary); 3. this “thing” they “hear” is “racism.” No proof, no evidence, just an often repeated lie, which we are seeing with more and more frequency.
Using a blanket statement like “racist dog whistle” in the media to ascribe negative characteristics to a group you don’t like by stating, “*I* know what they secretly think” isn’t journalism, it’s woke jingoism, it’s propaganda, and it’s defamatory. Media, do better please.
One last thought… If you hear “racist dog whistles” everywhere, maybe, just maybe YOU’RE THE RACIST? After all, the Democrats were the Party of Slavery, as Frederick Douglass knew: Listen to “THE SLAVERY PARTY.” EXTRACT FROM A SPEECH DELIVERED BEFORE THE A.A.S SOCIETY IN NEW YORK, MAY, 1853.
OP Tweet:
1/"Slavery cannot tolerate free speech" bc today's slaves are TOLD what to think thru 24/7 propaganda & then obediently parrot it back. Knowing what YOU think based on YOUR KNOWLEDGE is freedom.
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 31, 2022
A short story in pictures. My deepest sympathy to anyone who regrets their decision.
The #1 thing you can do going forward is switch off the MSM and stop trusting government.
Then #2, start focusing solely on your own health. Realize YOUR CHOICES MATTER. Inflammation can be reversed by a better diet, by avoiding processed foods and sugars. Fuel your body with whole foods and good high fats, and, if you stick to it, you will see and feel the difference within a month. Make sure to focus on the amount of sunlight and sleep you get, too. Literally, if all you can do is walk around the block once, walk around the block once!
Whatever you do, always be mindful about your lifestyle ***choices***. We only get this gift once!
Embedded OP from Facebook:
We are entering a new phase on this road to totalitarianism. A massive red flag is when people who deserve untold amounts of JUSTIFIED CRITICISM for illegal, unconstitutional, and immoral behavior, start saying you’re not allowed to criticize them.
Add to this trend, the lopsided censorship being instituted by Big Tech obo Big Gov working in cahoots with Big Pharma, and you have a recipe for disaster for liberty, freedom, and global human rights. Your duty now is to SPEAK UP DOUBLY HARD.
Yesterday, Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum globalist who wears a cape with massive shoulder pads and is only missing a hairless cat to stroke, called for AI to start censoring online “misinformation.” What could possibly go wrong?
NEW – Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum proposes to automate censorship of “hate speech” and “disinformation” with AI fed by “subject matter experts.”
— (@disclosetv) August 11, 2022
Then Twitter got in on the action.
This means we’ll take action against misleading claims about the voting process, misleading content intended to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in the election, or misleading claims that may undermine public confidence in elections outcomes.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) August 11, 2022
They want to stop this type of propaganda from being too obvious (search on Youtube, there are many examples of this rote repetition of talking points the Regime wants you to support):
The reason they crave censorship is the narrative is hard to control otherwise & the manipulation is blatantly obvi…
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 12, 2022
It’s genuinely interesting to me to try to figure out what posts/topics are being shadow-banned/censored on what platforms.
I can tell you, tagging the FBI in snotty Tweets like below, will level you up on the “no one can see you” scale. How can I tell? For certain posts, a double screen opens on my end for a moment, and then usually the post doesn’t get a single additional reaction after that.
Dear @FBI
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 11, 2022
Violent rhetoric > Actual violence.
The children of Waco
In other news, this Tweet is gold, and I’m both spelling it out below and embedding it, because it definitely was immediately shadow-banned, only getting one reaction and then nada. Weird what they find threatening. Words, definitions, which form the basis of arguments to persuade people. Without the ability to agree on what words mean, they know, the battle is much harder for the good guys. (How do I know I’m a good guy, you ask? Because in the history of the world the bad guys have always been the ones censoring, name-calling, controlling and lying. And I’m not doing any of that. I am telling the truth and trying to warn you before it is too late.)
Let’s play Dictionary!
Opposite of “radical” =
Yes-Men, sorry, Yes-Human
Any questions?
Let’s play Dictionary!
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 12, 2022
Opposite of “radical” =
Yes-Men, sorry, Yes-Human
Any questions?
Now You Can’t Use the Government’s Own Data to Support Claims, This “Fact Checker” Finds
I shared the image above on Instagram and got dinged by a “partly false information” warning.
Do yourself a favor and read this fact check from the AP, written by an Ali Swenson. Even though the each image cites a source, this “fact checker” is of the OPINION these numbers from the FBI and CDC are not “reliable.”
So that means, currently on social media:
* If you don’t cite a source, you get dinged.
* If you DO cite a source, even if it is the government’s own numbers, if Big Bro no likey, that’s a no-go, too.
In the past few weeks, several memes I’ve shared–ARTFUL TAKES of current events generated fast and dirty–have been censored or labeled as “missing context” or “partly false.” Before we move on from that…. Think about those labels for a sec… technically, everything in life is “missing context” and everything that is “partly false,” is equally “partly true.” Acknowledge the manipulation of their word choices here… In actual fact, their own statements are also, “missing context” and “partly false,” but I’m confident Goebbels would 100% approve of the technique.
For those of you who do not, like me, now routinely get in trouble with the Thought Police online, each ding, depending on the severity and frequency, “levels” you up until you catch a suspension (different time frames for different platforms and violations), or, ultimately, a ban.
Of course, I want to provide accurate information if I am presenting facts as facts, but I also have a wicked sense of humor, and love funny takes for the sake of the lulz. For us to accept some Orwellian Big Bro to now “fact check” cartoons, jokes, take-downs, and memes on social media is extremely troubling, because this means they’re now “fact checking” ART.
By way of example, I shared a snarky pic about Davos on Instagram (see HERE) that depicted a bunch of private jets and the words: “A record 1,500 private jets have arrived at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland to discuss what they can do about your carbon footprint.” This is clearly satire. EXCEPT, days after I posted it, the Thought Police slapped a “missing context” warning on the photo, and used this “fact checked” article to claim the graphic is inaccurate because, and I quote: “The second photo was originally captured by Reuters photographer Arnd Wiegmann in January 2016. ‘Passenger jets are parked at the Swiss Airforce base in Duebendorf, Switzerland January 21, 2016,’ reads the photo’s description, which goes on to explain the airport was being used for arrivals and departures of WEF attendees for a Davos meeting that year.”
So, just ICYMI, these “fact checkers” are “fact checking” a tongue-in-cheek, satiric internet meme because the photo depicted IS REAL AND OF THE PLACE IT CLAIMS TO BE, ONLY FROM A DIFFERENT YEAR. Personally, I was surprised it was even from the same country or airport, not something you would expect or require from fast-paced humorous internet artwork/meme.
Memes by their very nature are often about suggestion, a feeling, creating something newsy from the old, inaccuracies, a vibe, whatever the magic sauce is that makes art art, and humor humor, that’s what a well-crafted meme is. Memes therefore poses an interesting challenge to censors because they break down complex ideas into identifiable tropes or themes, and, because much of it is extremely irreverent, memes tend to go viral when done right… which is exactly why the censors are concerned.
People who know me here in the Free State know that as early as 2010, if I was saying something edgy that might be misconstrued, I would yell: “IT’S FOR THE SCREENPLAY!” The thinking, and joke, at the time was, if the NSA was bugging my phone, the fact that it was “art” would protect my speech.
Art used to be able to do this, be the medium we could express ourselves, make fun of the world, and explore weird and wonderful ideas. No more. ART was the last place where free speech existed, but the Control Freaks are coming for that too.
I won’t let them, and neither should you. Know this: I will fight the destruction of free speech, art, and the right to express myself in any manner I see fit until I draw my dying breath. #FreeSpeechMatters
The second in a three-part series, author, activist, attorney, Carla Gericke sits down with Eric Cervone of the Honest Offense to chart her life “From the Apartheid State to the Free State”. In this episode, we chat about Carla’s “Coming to America” story and her life as in-house counsel for Fortune 500 companies, and what happened after the dotcom bubble burst…
Oooooof. It is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Now out, a book called, “The Cult of the Constitution: The Deadly Devotion to Guns and Free Speech”.
For realz.
Written by Mary Anne Franks, a professor at the University of Miami School of Law, who, last fall, penned a proposal for a “redo” of the First and Second Amendments in a Boston Globe op-ed:
“Speech and guns: two of the most contentious issues in America today, with controversies fueled not only by personal passions and identity politics but by competing interpretations of the Constitution. Perhaps more than any other parts of the Constitution, the First and Second Amendments inspire religious-like fervor in many Americans, with accordingly irrational results.As legal texts go, neither of the two amendments is a model of clarity or precision. More important, both are deeply flawed in their respective conceptualizations of some of the most important rights of a democratic society: the freedom of expression and religion and the right of self-defense. These two amendments are highly susceptible to being read in isolation from the Constitution as a whole and from its commitments to equality and the collective good. The First and Second Amendments tend to be interpreted in aggressively individualistic ways that ignore the reality of conflict among competing rights. This in turn allows the most powerful members of society to reap the benefits of these constitutional rights at the expense of vulnerable groups. Both amendments would be improved by explicitly situating individual rights within the framework of “domestic tranquility” and the “general welfare” set out in the Constitution’s preamble…”
If you can stand it, read more HERE…
Franks’ suggestions are designed to subvert the individualistic nature of America and its Constitution, and she poorly argues that we should make our natural rights subject to “the common good.” In case you don’t understand why this is a bad idea, let me ask you this: Who decides what the “common good” is? Would the “common good” depend on who is in power at the time? Would it change every 2-4 years? Is there a magical definition? Of course not. Who deserves such power over another human? No one, that’s who.
Freedom means being free from someone else’s notion of what the “common good” is, because it is as unknowable as the billions and billions of humans on Earth. These illogical and irrational “thinkers” are again coming with their mumbo-jumbo nonsense to try to usher in an “equitable” (communist) future.
Fight this assault on our individual rights (our freedom) with every fibre of your uncommon being! Please and thank you.
This Facebook capture is from “This Day” in 2016, when it was being reported that conservative media was being censored by Facebook. For those who know me, I don’t have a particular skin in the game as to whether it is conservative or progressive voices (or anyone in between) being silenced… I have an issue with censorship per se. So, by the way, regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, should YOU.