It’s Sunshine Week again, when we highlight the necessity of open government, and I’m waiting to hear back from the Union Leader on my op-ed for this year, but:
1. Below was one of my proudest moments as an activist… Why? Because SHOWING ordinary Granite Staters real physical censorship galvanized new RTK (Right-to-Know) and open government activists. Hard to justify blacked out blocks in a newspaper and claim you’re “the good guys.”
2. If you’re interested in shrinking government (and who here isn’t?) then understanding and utilizing the tool of open government requests should be a priority for YOU.
3. If you want to learn more about this area of law/potential for useful activism, please attend the RTK talks with me, Laurie Ortolano and Greg Sullivan at Liberty Forum tomorrow, Friday 9-11am in Ballroom B.
4. Did you know a bill was introduced this session by Josh Yokela to put all RTK requests in a searchable database? NH will become THE leader on open and transparent government soon!