Back from a quick break, Tammy and Carla discuss why eggs cost almost $5 per dozen and why, when you subsidize something, you get more of it… Also up, Elon’s expose of the truth behind the Hunter Biden laptop censorship story, and more!
Funny story: I used to have a podcast called Told You So until Covid hysteria killed it.
For those keeping score:
Lab leak = most likely now
Collusion between Big Gov & Big Tech on censorship = fact
Hunter Biden laptop (my first ban) = true
Censored for talking about Nuremberg Code & ethics of informed consent = fact
mRNA as experimental tech w/no real safety data = true
Masks don’t work = true
Fauci’s NIH paid EcoAlliance for offshore gain of function research = true
Definitions of words changed real time to obscure plain meaning of words/smear dissidents, e.g. “gain of function” became eppp; “anti-vax” now includes ppl who are “antimandate”; and “pandemic” changed to take out “serious illness” = true
Visit my website for more: and follow me everywhere on social.
Prediction: global universal travel pass and CBDC linked to a social score incoming.
We fight now or we submit. I don’t know about you but I’m not complying and I will do everything in my power to keep my fellow Granite Staters of the Free State of NH free! Join me:
Yesterday, Rosemary Rung, a NH Democrat, posted the tweet below, and I responded asking what we should call anti-freedom people like them. In response to that, some people chimed in, and then, in a reply to someone, I jokingly said: “Live free or comply, you non-essentials!”
Clearly, any thinking human would understand this was a choice point on the NH motto, and that I was not directing my comment to anyone, nor was I threatening anyone with “abusive or harassing” speech.
Regardless, Twitter decided to suspend my account for 12 hours, even after I deleted the post.
In case you haven’t been censored on Twitter yet, let me explain some of the steps:
1. They tell you you’ve violated a community standard, in this case, that my word are “abusive or harassing.” My words aren’t even directed at “someone”.
2. You can either click to acknowledge you have indeed violated a standard, in this case, forcing me to admit that my words are ABUSE AND HARASSMENT, in order to get your account back (this is de facto commie “admit you were wrong!”) or you can appeal.
3. The appeal box only allows a few lines of text, so you cannot make a cogent argument to defend your free speech honor.
4. They then give you another chance to “just delete it,” which, if you’re like me, you think, “Oh, ok, wth, you dumbasses, I’ll just cop to it, just gimme my account back” (that’s “app-crack addiction” right there).
5. Even after you admit to your dirty, dirty free speech violating ways, they STILL suspend your account for a certain period of time (this one for me is 12 hours).
These are the kinds of rules you could expect to see under a fascist regime. Oh wait, that is EXACTLY what Twitter is… a corporation claiming to be a private entity with its own “community standard” while also doing the Regime’s censorship for it.
If you need a primer on this topic, watch the latest episode, No. 34, of The Carla Gericke Show HERE. Please FOLLOW ME on Odysee or watch and SUBSCRIBE on Youtube. Thanks!
TL;DR: Free speech matters. Censorship sucks.

This week, I do a deep dive on the censorship of the “Hunter Biden laptop story,” and discuss whether free speech is worth preserving. I also contend that Democrat’s take on our Constitutional rights is… insane, and I think I prove it! Let me know in the comments, and buy my friend, Lou Perez’s book, That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore, right now!
A short story in pictures. My deepest sympathy to anyone who regrets their decision.

The #1 thing you can do going forward is switch off the MSM and stop trusting government.
Then #2, start focusing solely on your own health. Realize YOUR CHOICES MATTER. Inflammation can be reversed by a better diet, by avoiding processed foods and sugars. Fuel your body with whole foods and good high fats, and, if you stick to it, you will see and feel the difference within a month. Make sure to focus on the amount of sunlight and sleep you get, too. Literally, if all you can do is walk around the block once, walk around the block once!
Whatever you do, always be mindful about your lifestyle ***choices***. We only get this gift once!
Embedded OP from Facebook:
Yesterday, Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum globalist who wears a cape with massive shoulder pads and is only missing a hairless cat to stroke, called for AI to start censoring online “misinformation.” What could possibly go wrong?
NEW – Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum proposes to automate censorship of “hate speech” and “disinformation” with AI fed by “subject matter experts.”
— (@disclosetv) August 11, 2022
Then Twitter got in on the action.
This means we’ll take action against misleading claims about the voting process, misleading content intended to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in the election, or misleading claims that may undermine public confidence in elections outcomes.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) August 11, 2022
They want to stop this type of propaganda from being too obvious (search on Youtube, there are many examples of this rote repetition of talking points the Regime wants you to support):
The reason they crave censorship is the narrative is hard to control otherwise & the manipulation is blatantly obvi…
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 12, 2022
It’s genuinely interesting to me to try to figure out what posts/topics are being shadow-banned/censored on what platforms.
I can tell you, tagging the FBI in snotty Tweets like below, will level you up on the “no one can see you” scale. How can I tell? For certain posts, a double screen opens on my end for a moment, and then usually the post doesn’t get a single additional reaction after that.
Dear @FBI
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 11, 2022
Violent rhetoric > Actual violence.
The children of Waco
In other news, this Tweet is gold, and I’m both spelling it out below and embedding it, because it definitely was immediately shadow-banned, only getting one reaction and then nada. Weird what they find threatening. Words, definitions, which form the basis of arguments to persuade people. Without the ability to agree on what words mean, they know, the battle is much harder for the good guys. (How do I know I’m a good guy, you ask? Because in the history of the world the bad guys have always been the ones censoring, name-calling, controlling and lying. And I’m not doing any of that. I am telling the truth and trying to warn you before it is too late.)
Let’s play Dictionary!
Opposite of “radical” =
Yes-Men, sorry, Yes-Human
Any questions?
Let’s play Dictionary!
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 12, 2022
Opposite of “radical” =
Yes-Men, sorry, Yes-Human
Any questions?
Now You Can’t Use the Government’s Own Data to Support Claims, This “Fact Checker” Finds
I shared the image above on Instagram and got dinged by a “partly false information” warning.
Do yourself a favor and read this fact check from the AP, written by an Ali Swenson. Even though the each image cites a source, this “fact checker” is of the OPINION these numbers from the FBI and CDC are not “reliable.”
So that means, currently on social media:
* If you don’t cite a source, you get dinged.
* If you DO cite a source, even if it is the government’s own numbers, if Big Bro no likey, that’s a no-go, too.
In the past few weeks, several memes I’ve shared–ARTFUL TAKES of current events generated fast and dirty–have been censored or labeled as “missing context” or “partly false.” Before we move on from that…. Think about those labels for a sec… technically, everything in life is “missing context” and everything that is “partly false,” is equally “partly true.” Acknowledge the manipulation of their word choices here… In actual fact, their own statements are also, “missing context” and “partly false,” but I’m confident Goebbels would 100% approve of the technique.
For those of you who do not, like me, now routinely get in trouble with the Thought Police online, each ding, depending on the severity and frequency, “levels” you up until you catch a suspension (different time frames for different platforms and violations), or, ultimately, a ban.
Of course, I want to provide accurate information if I am presenting facts as facts, but I also have a wicked sense of humor, and love funny takes for the sake of the lulz. For us to accept some Orwellian Big Bro to now “fact check” cartoons, jokes, take-downs, and memes on social media is extremely troubling, because this means they’re now “fact checking” ART.
By way of example, I shared a snarky pic about Davos on Instagram (see HERE) that depicted a bunch of private jets and the words: “A record 1,500 private jets have arrived at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland to discuss what they can do about your carbon footprint.” This is clearly satire. EXCEPT, days after I posted it, the Thought Police slapped a “missing context” warning on the photo, and used this “fact checked” article to claim the graphic is inaccurate because, and I quote: “The second photo was originally captured by Reuters photographer Arnd Wiegmann in January 2016. ‘Passenger jets are parked at the Swiss Airforce base in Duebendorf, Switzerland January 21, 2016,’ reads the photo’s description, which goes on to explain the airport was being used for arrivals and departures of WEF attendees for a Davos meeting that year.”
So, just ICYMI, these “fact checkers” are “fact checking” a tongue-in-cheek, satiric internet meme because the photo depicted IS REAL AND OF THE PLACE IT CLAIMS TO BE, ONLY FROM A DIFFERENT YEAR. Personally, I was surprised it was even from the same country or airport, not something you would expect or require from fast-paced humorous internet artwork/meme.
Memes by their very nature are often about suggestion, a feeling, creating something newsy from the old, inaccuracies, a vibe, whatever the magic sauce is that makes art art, and humor humor, that’s what a well-crafted meme is. Memes therefore poses an interesting challenge to censors because they break down complex ideas into identifiable tropes or themes, and, because much of it is extremely irreverent, memes tend to go viral when done right… which is exactly why the censors are concerned.
People who know me here in the Free State know that as early as 2010, if I was saying something edgy that might be misconstrued, I would yell: “IT’S FOR THE SCREENPLAY!” The thinking, and joke, at the time was, if the NSA was bugging my phone, the fact that it was “art” would protect my speech.
Art used to be able to do this, be the medium we could express ourselves, make fun of the world, and explore weird and wonderful ideas. No more. ART was the last place where free speech existed, but the Control Freaks are coming for that too.
I won’t let them, and neither should you. Know this: I will fight the destruction of free speech, art, and the right to express myself in any manner I see fit until I draw my dying breath. #FreeSpeechMatters
This Facebook capture is from “This Day” in 2016, when it was being reported that conservative media was being censored by Facebook. For those who know me, I don’t have a particular skin in the game as to whether it is conservative or progressive voices (or anyone in between) being silenced… I have an issue with censorship per se. So, by the way, regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, should YOU.
BREAKING! Elon Musk offers to buy Twitter for $41B in order to take company private. He’s savage!
UPDATE! Zee plot thickens! From my Twitter feed:
Man, this @elonmusk takeover is turning into Succession meets Billions IRL with some Pentagon Papers thrown in for good measure. #Twatter
ICYMI: Vanguard comes to Regime’s rescue & buys current largest share at 10.3%.
Saudi Arabian shareholders turn down deal (looks like the Regime is finally calling in that favor). Elon calls them out on it.
Progressives cheer AGAINST openness & free speech and FOR Big Money.
If the collapsing Regime is willing to go to these lengths to stop someone from re-instituting CENSORLESS FREE SPEECH, and YOU’RE not wondering what they are trying to hide, you’re not thinking hard enough.
Hint: Connected dots on intelligence agencies’ malfeasance. The corruption rife in DC. The harm caused by the government’s response to C-19. The lab leak. The collusion btw Big Pharma, Big Money, Big Tech & Big Gov against YOU, the “nonessential” little guy.
Then there is this:…/twitter-saudi-arabia-spies.html
Turns out: Chairman of Twitter is Salesforce’s CEO, which recently ran an anti-SpaceX/Elon superbowl ad. So this drama has multiple layers
On Friday, Twitter introduced a poison pill rather than accept generous offer. The Twitter board has a fiduciary duty to consider all offers in GOOD FAITH.
By rejecting an offer at 54% PREMIUM, they are screwing their s/holders, and opening themselves to a massive shareholder lawsuit. All this now obviously to continue to suppress free speech and rig elections in favor of their favored candidates.
FYI: Invoking the “poison pill” means if any person or group acquires 15%+ of Twitter’s outstanding common stock without board approval, other s/holders can buy additional shares at a discount <–to fend off a “hostile takeover”. Yesterday, they diluted the stock to reduce Elon’s stake.
The original offer represented a 54% premium, which has now been reduced to 18%. The question investors should ask themselves is why they would continue to hold Twitter stock now that the Board has shown it will BREAK THE LAW and choose SJW/Wokeness over its fiscal duties.
Then Twitter’s Board hires Goldman Sachs–you know, Too Big To Fail guys–to advise them on the offer. They say it’s not a “fair offer in good faith,” BUT, the premium offer of $54.20 is ABOVE their own buy/sell recommendation of $30. This was Elon’s response.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 14, 2022
Update 4/21/22: Looks like Elon has borrowed enough money to take an offer of $46.5B directly to the shareholders, thus circumventing the poison pill, so currently, in the Saga of Twitter’s Free Speech Suicide Squad: “Tesla CEO Elon Musk said in a filing Thursday he has secured $46.5 billion in financing to buy Twitter — mostly with borrowed money.”
Man, this @elonmusk takeover is turning into Succession meets Billions IRL with some Pentagon Papers thrown in for good measure. #Twatter
— Carla Gericke, Live Free & Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) April 15, 2022
You decide if this SNL skit is funny or not.
WATCH: “Comedy” segment on SNL says @elonmusk wants to buy Twitter so “white guys” can “say the N-word.”
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) April 17, 2022
My response to the skit was: “Another “N-word” was censored on social over the past 2 years: the Nuremberg Code, the set of ethical rules for human experimentation that were grossly violated by the introduction of vax mandates during Covid. Mentions received warnings/misinformation labels. #FreeSpeechMatters”
The following post is from 6 years ago. I cannot think of a better time to re-share my thoughts on banning books and censoring information, especially in light of YouTube’s announcement yesterday [see pic] that they will be removing ALL “anti-vaccine” content from its platform. I just saw a Tweet from Dr. Ron Paul saying,
Very shocked that @YouTube has completely removed the Channel of my Ron Paul Institute: no warning, no strikes, no evidence. Only explanation was “severe or repeated violations of our community guidelines.” Channel is rarely used. The appeal was automatically rejected. Help?
Ron Paul
Carla Gericke
September 30, 2015 · Shared with Public
Censorship has always fascinated me–who gets to decide what someone else can read? Why? By what authority can one person tell another what they are “permitted” to know? I reject the legitimacy of censorship out of hand. No one has such authority, and history proves those who wish to control what others consume, are, without exception, eventually exposed as the bad guys.
Growing up in South Africa, many things–music, literature, art–were outright banned and censored, from ANC symbols, to most international music, to the movie “Black Beauty” solely because of its title, to certain words in newspapers, yes, literally blacked out on the page like you see in dystopian movies (and, say, in the 9-11 Commission Report), words like “Casspir” (the South African equivalent of “BEARCAT,” the armored trucks now being seeded by the Federales into peaceful communities across America, including more than 20 in New Hampshire) because if you banned the mentioning of the vehicles being used to fight illegal border wars, well then, reporting becomes problematic and difficult to do, and therefore, perhaps, journalists will stop writing about such pesky things, neh?
Under apartheid, South Africa had the “Jacobsen’s Index of Objectionable Literature” which contained a “Complete List of All Publications in Alphabetical Order, Together with Authors, Prohibited from Importation Into the Republic of South Africa, and All Other Banned Literature.” The list is long, and difficult to find online. I have ordered a hard copy of “A Culture of Censorship: Secrecy and Intellectual Repression in South Africa,” secondhand for $0.02 plus shipping from Amazon, which reminds me of two things: 1. How soon we forget our histories; and 2. Thank god for the free market. If only said book could be delivered by an aerobot drone to my door, but alas, the FAA has been spending its time on such important issues as licensing paper airplanes for flight.
South African author, Nadine Gordimer wrote in 1968, republished in The New York Times Books section in 1998: “All the work, past, present and future, of an individual writer can be erased by a ban on his spoken and written word. The ban not only restricts his political activity, which is its avowed intention, but negates his creativity–he becomes a non-person, since his form of communion and communication with the society in which he lives is cut…. And so long as our society remains compartmentalized, our literature will be stretched on the rack between propaganda, on the one side, and, on the other, art as an embellishment of leisure.”
Some people wonder why I take issue with so many things I see happening in my adopted country, and, frankly, why I refuse to shut up about it, to give up, to cave in, to just say, Nah, this crap is too hard to change, the difference we can make too infinitesimal, so why try? It’s because I have *lived through a police state* before, and America is lock-step marching there.
This is not hyperbole. I will grant you: America is doing its police state right, “better,” more subtle, more comfortable, of course, it’s what America does, after all. This police state is hidden behind both the “propaganda” arm, and mostly, the “embellishment of leisure”: The sports, the reality TV, the Christmas carol commercials to consumers in September, the debates, the joke of it all.
The bread and circuses, the tinny music piping from the organ grinder while the monkeys dance, while MILLIONS of peaceful people rot in prisons for voluntarily inhaling a plant, while MILLIONS are peaceful people in far away lands are being murdered under the cloak of the Stars and Stripes, while MILLIONS of people are being displaced by state-funded terror raining down from the skies.
Why does #BannedBooksWeek matter? It matters because it creates an opportunity to talk about the bad guys. And, I am afraid to inform you, the US government is a bad, bad guy, he’s the boyfriend who beats you then tells you he can’t live without you–or you can’t live without him?–and you go back.
Me? I decided a decade ago that I wasn’t taking the Fed Gov back, that I would take my chances with a smaller wife beater (the state of NH), and see what kind of difference I can make on a local level.