I ran across this clip online of Control Freak Eugenicist Harari talking about how rights and countries are “fictional”.
World Economic Forum "agenda contributor", Yuval Noah Harari: Human rights are "just a fictional story".
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) June 13, 2024
"It may be a very nice story, it may be a very attractive story—we want to believe it—but it's just a story. It's not a reality."
"And the same thing is also true in the…
Telling people they are ruled by a Fictional Class in Fictional Countries is a globalist’s wet dream… Much as I dislike this guy’s vision, I agree with the notion that rights are just “an idea,” with one important caveat he seems to have forgotten…
HUMANKIND’S ability to claim and assert self-ownership; at its basest: Survival.
Meaning, rights are “fictional” only until you stand up to whomever is attempting to subvert your human will for their benefit. I.e. the moment you say NO, you will know who claims to rule over you.
Claiming self-ownership against the Fictional Class, as anyone who refused the gene-jabs did–WELL DONE, LADIES & GENTLEMEN!–is where the rubber meets the road, where the skid marks smear across the Control Freaks’ “science”.
Before Harari and his ilk of Mad Men try to cut us all open to dissect, as long as you use your intact mind to assert your “fictional rights,” they are not fictional.
As long as YOU are willing to fight to remain sovereign and free, YOU are NOT fictional. YOUR WILL is not fictional. YOUR LIFE is not fictional.
It’s time to evaluate where you stand: Are you on the globalist’s ride to enslavement (and if so, who is your master?), or are you on a path of conscious enlightenment?
Choose wisely, stand tall, and rise to the Heavens. YOU are the mountain. Real and present and HERE.