I was surprised to discover that Democrat Adam Schiff managed to get three “anti-vax” movies banned from video distribution platforms like Amazon in… 2019. See my article HERE.
This made me want to watch the movies and see for myself what the hoopla is. I found SHOOT ‘EM UP ; THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINES on Odysee, my go-to choice for censor-proof viewing. (JFC, is this even America, anymore?!?!)
This movie is a bit amateurish, made by a mom traveling to different locations with her baby son to consult with doctors and experts and mothers with vaccine-harmed children. Everyone she talks to or is mentioned seems credible: Dr. Stephanie Cave; Dr. Mascovitz; Barbara Loe Fischer; Lawrence Palevsky; David Kirby; Boyd Hayley; Dan Burton; and Dan Olmstead (I might have missed a few).
People familiar with the vaccine debate will be familiar with many of the arguments: the ingredients contain many toxins; mercury/thimerosol bad… when California banned it, autism rates dropped; why are we injecting babies with 23 organisms by the time they are 6?; why are there no credible government studies looking into possible vax harm (regulatory capture); why are there no long term clinical studies comparing health outcomes of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed (of course, that’s why during Covidmania, they needed 100% uptake so as to eliminate the “control group”)?; why is no one exploring the pattern of genetic links between some vaccine harm, and, in particular, boys?; why claim that if vaccines work, unvaccinated people pose a risk to anyone else?, etc.

I’m going to summarize the new stuff I learned or discovered, starting with the deep corruption mentioned by New York Times journalist, David Kirby, author of Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical Controversy, which I just ordered.
Big Gov Takes Care of Big Pharma, Big Time
We know Big Pharma has captured the regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect the public, but did you know they’re willy-nilly doing away with liability and lawsuits in riders in… national security bills? Kirby states that the 2002 Homeland Security bill contained a liability waiver/exclusion to dismiss any lawsuits against Eli Lilly regarding thimerosol: “Tucked away in that bill, in the middle of the night, was a secret rider that would have dismissed all lawsuits against vaccine makers for having put this substance called thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative, in vaccines given to children, with the idea that that may be causing autism.”(See Counterpunch’s take on the RIDER.) Say what now? The government snuck liability protection to a Big Pharma corporation in a “national security bill” in the dead of the night? WTF? Add to this outrage the notion that Bush managed to seal all legal discovery documents on thimerosol in the federal Vaccine Court, and it smells like a cover-up to me. (You can read more about thimerosol and government actions at the CHILDREN’S DEFENSE FUND.)
Sudden Infant Deaths (SIDS)
I am very aware of SIDS (and now, post-Covidmania, sadly, SADS, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) because it is the first psyops I can recall being aware of.
I was young, in South Africa, and I remember it because it made such an impression on me… because stories about SIDs were everywhere… in all the magazines, newspapers, TV broadcasts, and rags. I remember thinking how terrible it would be if you had a baby and it just… died in its sleep.
Cot death, it was called, a rare phenomena, now rebranded as SIDs, and much less rare.
What could have happened? Well… the Eighties is when they rolled out mandatory shots for babies. The same shots that the insurance companies looked at Pharma’s data for, and said, NOPE, we refuse to insure these products (which, btw, is why the government is the “insurer of last resort”).
What caught my attention in the movie was the story of an Australian nurse(?) with an engineer husband who built a device that monitored the breathing of babies, showing babies would sometimes normally stop breathing for seconds during their sleep, then restart, but within 48 hours after DPT injections, the apnea became more frequent and intense, leading her to have to resuscitate babies otherwise they would die.
How to Detox
There is a moving moment where a young boy talks at a rally and mentions the remedy that worked for him: saunas! Also mentioned are chelating agents, diet, vitamins, and exercise–the usual things that we know improve health.
Animals are Getting Sicker
One of the people interviewed was a veterinarian. He said some interesting things: animals are getting sicker generation over generation; cats get tumors on the sites of their jabs; if this is happening in the animal world, what are we doing to ourselves?
MMR and RhoGAM
I’ve only recently started to connect the dots on my own vaccine harm and destruction of my health at the hands of the Pharma-allopathic world.
In September 2007, I had a miscarriage of twins during my second trimester. Since my doctor was scheduled to go on vacation, she told me to “just have the miscarriage at home naturally” if it happened before she was back from her holiday. (Yeah, really.)
It was a messy, painful, traumatic experience, and I ended up in the ER. Somewhere in the hours I spent there, they told me my blood type was “RH negative,” and without so much as a discussion, jabbed me with a RhoGAM shot.
Then, a few months later, in order to get my MFA degree issued, City College of New York insisted I present proof of MMR vaccine, otherwise the college said they would not issue my degree. (Yeah, really.)
Since we were leaving for the Free State of New Hampshire soon, partly to escape such insanity and lack of respect for informed consent and bodily autonomy, and depressed and not feeling myself, I caved and got another shot, even though I knew I’d had at least 2 prior MMR jabs… I just couldn’t find the paperwork.
After this, I developed severe allergies (something I’d never had before), rheumatoid arthritis, gained more than 50 pounds, had permanent lower back pain, frequent headaches, and more. My stomach had been iffy since my pre-teens years (now, looking back, also likely due to jabs–we got many, frequently, because we travelled a lot internationally, and didn’t know any better) and that got worse, too. While we’d been backpacking in South East Asia, I got severe Dehli-Belly, and ended up taking Cipro, which likely killed whatever good bacteria I had left in me. Leaky gut, or IBS, or whatever it was, I was anemic, and had now had constant diarrhea for decades.
In the movie, there’s a quick mention that RhoGAM contains a lot of mercury… not sure what this means yet, but I’m interested to learn more about this as a possibly contributing factor to my dis-ease for many years.
I’m also very grateful that through lifestyle changes including a low-carb diet, no alcohol, avoiding sugar and seed oils, and mindfulness practices like yoga, journaling, and meditation, and daily exercise, I have managed to regain much of my health.
Be Brave
Speaking up throughout Covidmania, and now, knowing that I am called to bring light to this matter, I was struck in the movie by how many brave people have come before…
To each and every one of you, often vilified and attacked, thank you. Especially to the mothers and fathers who have been gaslit by their own government colluding with Big Pharma, I’m sorry this happened to you, your chidlren, and that no one would listen. Just as we are seeing now again with the denial of harm and excess deaths after the mRNA vaccine rollouts.
Sadly, the reality is: The Machine hates the Truth. The Machine wants you sick, weak, and dependent.
The most radical act you can do now is GET WELL, GET HEALTHY, AND SPEAK UP AND TELL THE TRUTH, even if your voice shakes. Join me.