Idk, but could YOU spend 25 years pretending to be something you are not, like this government agent who was paid by you to “pretend” to be a racist KKK member, and more? The worst part about government for me is they do terrible things IN THE NOW (say, waterboarding) claiming to prevent worse things from happening in the future, BUT…
Much like the claims about your C19 symptoms being “milder” if you’re vaxxed, no one REALLY knows if that’s true, AND, if we were to freeze the timeline in the NOW, that state agent “pretending” to be the KKK or torturing someone, IS OBJECTIVELY THE BAD GUY.
But you know, keep believing the people who are doing bad things in the now while they tell you about other people who might do worse things in the future… bc, yeah, THAT’S SANE. /s
Our individual Right of Conscience is enshrined in Article 4 of the NH Constitution, stating: [Rights of Conscience Unalienable.] Among the natural rights, some are, in their very nature unalienable, because no equivalent can be given or received for them. Of this kind are the Rights of Conscience.
“Unalienable” = NO ONE can take it away.

So this bill, HB1210 is a no brainer! Free people can decide what to do with their own bodies… it’s called “self-ownership.” If you disagree, let me ask you this… how much of me do you think the government owns?
According to the bill’s sponsor, Timothy Lang, the bill does take into account private business owners needs by including a “reasonable accommodation” clause. If the employee and employer cannot come to some arrangement, you can get fired.
Tammy and I don’t miss a beat and cover a lot of ground this week, including discussing the Honorable JR Hoell’s DCYF case, street crime in Manchester, and the book “San Fransicko: How Progressives Ruin Cities”. We also discuss this week’s upcoming Right-to-Know bills to foster open and transparent government, and CACR 32, the independence bill being heard on Thursday.
This week, we discuss the scandal unfolding between a parent, a local hospital, and DCYF as it relates to the parent’s C19 treatment choices, how Grinchy some people are, and how, even when the government tries to do good, it turns out bad.
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY ODYSEE CHANNEL RIGHT NOW!!! Help me spread the message of liberty to our neighbors!
Once the federal government starts calling parents “Domestic Terrorists” for speaking out about the outrageous, anti-freedom ways their children are being treated, it’s time to start fighting back!
Here in the Free State of NH, the 603 Alliance has put together a training session on 12/18 to help YOU run for school board. Learn more and sign up HERE.