Today’s Sunday Union Leader features another Letter to the Editor from a Manchester small business owner in support of my candidacy.
My favorite line is this description: "I am no fan of Lou ‘Never Met a Tax He Doesn’t Like’ D’Allesandro." It’s true!
"[Republican] Carla’s main issues seem to revolve around individual rights, government transparency, and accountability, and she supports harm reduction policies regarding drugs, an approach that the majority of Granite Staters want. Carla also supports deregulation, which I believe will result in more affordable housing in Manchester, and help my businesses succeed.
I’m satisfied that my vote for Carla Gericke for Senate will be a vote well cast. I encourage voters in District 20 to do their research ( and join me in voting for her. It’s time for an independent new voice, and Carla Gericke is it!"
You can read the entire letter HERE.
Read past Letters to the Editor in support of my candidacy for state Senate:
Carla Gericke is a refreshing change
Why I am voting for Carla Gericke
Single mother is excited to support Carla Gericke
We need an independent senator
If you want to learn more about some of my positions, read this op-ed in the Concord Monitor.
I have the energy, experience, and principles to serve you with integrity, character, and compassion. I respectfully ask for your vote on November 6th.