NH Tourism, action in West Manchester’s parks (come volunteer!), what’s happening this election, and more!
Election 2024
Why is the NH Housing Market So Hot And What Can Be Done About it? (Manch Talk 08/28/24)
This week, Carla Gericke is joined by her friend and colleague Mark Warden of Porcupine Real Estate. They discuss NH’s hot housing market, the upcoming election, including their own races as NHGOP candidates in Manchester, and more! Catch this episode of Manch Talk now!
Have the lunatics taken over the asylum? What happens when you cater to the lowest common denominator? Is this simply the result of socialism? Obvi, Carla has some things to say this week! Tammy leads us through the NHLA endorsed Manchester candidates, we talk Trump and Elon, and more!
Guess this is as good a way as any to announce I am running for office again!
Per the Manchester Republican Committee’s direct orders from Brian Cole, working in cahoots with the NHGOP and Chris Ager, instead of running for Senate in District 20, where Lou d’Allensandro has finally retired after more than 50 years in office, and where I have spent countless hours of time and treasure since 2016 building my name recognition and vote tally, reaching within 5 points in 2020, I am running in District 40 (Manchester Wards 1, 3, 10, 11, 12).
Yeah, I know. You tell me.
You tell me why the Establishment would be so threatened by an independent-minded candidate who promises this one thing: To always put New Hampshire first.
I am excited about this race. I will talk about the issues you most care about: crime, the economy, education, inflation, endless wars, and chronic disease. Most of these issues are exacerbated by the federal government, and I believe the solutions for Granite Staters lie in more localism, more helping our own neighbors–not people in foreign countries before our own veterans, say–more independence from the corrupt and bankrupt federal government.
But, to be candid, I’m not interested in running a typical political campaign. I want to have fun, and life is short, so I am going to approach this race more as an art project, or I suppose, I am simply going to reflect my life, and leave it up to you to decide whether I am a decent human being who should have a shot at writing laws to govern over you.
Lemme be clear: I don’t really want that responsibility. I believe we are writing way too many laws, and by doing so, we are making the world worse, not better. Why? Because every time you codify something, you are encouraging loopholes. Meaning every time you try to plug a hole, you create a whole new host of problems. I believe whatever government comes up with as a solution is usually worse than what we would get it we allowed a true free market to flourish.
I lead a high-energy, holistic life, so at all times, I am trying to put my best foot forward. Politics is pretty much the opposite of that. So, in order for me to participate in a System I so fundamentally disapprove of (and really want no part of, but I acknowledge it is one helluva cudgel in the fight for liberty), I need to do it on my own terms.
So… politics as an art project is where I have landed.
Hence, the launching of the “I LOVE NH” series, which I’ll be sharing frequently on my social media platforms (see my Insta scroll at the bottom of this site). I am using photos I have taken across the great Granite State over the 16+ years I have lived here (plus a few taken of me doing Important Stuff as An Important Person). Here are a few examples: