Join us this week for a recap of the Free State Project’s 2024 Liberty Forum, with Tulsi Gabbard, Bryan Caplan, and “Mayor Kane” Glenn Jacobs. Hear more about our surprise guest, Jeanne Dietsch, a one-term NH senator with a penchant for making lists, like Fascists and Commies do. Love what we’re doing in the Free State? Get your tickets for the next upcoming event, the 21st Annual Porcupine Freedom Festival! More HERE…
free state project
This headline for a video extolling the Deep State dropped on the NYT website yesterday… the same day the New York Attorney General called for the seizing of Trump’s assets.
I doubt you get more Banana Republic than that!
Never have I been happier with my DECISION to move to the Free State fifteen years ago (hey, I’m an early adopter!) and build the future I want, which does not involve these Permanent DC clowns.
Even in little old NH, there is plenty of “Deep State” activity on a local level, with entrenched political power groups, e.g. Unions and administrators, Municipal Association, etc.
BUT, NH is small enough in population size, and the legislature is large enough (400 House members representing about 3,300 constituents each) to allow an engaged citizenry to counteract the inertia that inevitably sets in when bureaucrats get and stay involved.
What’s life like where YOU live? Are YOU involved on a local level? Do YOU feel like you are able to make a difference? Is that locale trending towards more liberty?
Even in NH, with a large activist community, reversing statism can sometimes feel like a slog, so I can only imagine how hard it must be in the “Authoritarian 49,” as Dennis Pratt likes to call it.
But, here’s the reality: The Free State *is* trending towards more liberty. We ARE becoming freer. Our ideas are being debated and legislated. We ARE winning. The future looks bright. The only thing missing is YOU!
If you want a good quality of life.
If you want to live a solid libertarian community.
If you think you can run your life best and you don’t make bad decisions other people’s problems.
If you understand that YOU are responsible for YOUR life, and it’s up to YOU to be healthy, wealthy, and sane.
Then the Free State is for you.
Live free and thrive.
Live long and prosper.
Live in the Free State and do it all. All YOU CHOOSE to do!
Sign up for the FSP newsletter and let us know when you plan to visit so we can make it super-special!
I can’t wait for Liberty Forum! Do YOU have your tix yet? If you’re planning to attend, please get yours today, and help take some pressure off the awesome organizing team! Thanks!
In looking over the schedule, NOW ONLINE, there’s a lot to choose from, but duty calls.
On Saturday, March 16th at 11:30AM in Ballroom B, I will be speaking about real estate tokenization with Porcupine Real Estate’s Mark Warden, Matthew Ping from Ledgeview Commercial, and Kumar Bukkapatnam of Standard Management. We’ll be discussing the untapped potential of DAOs as a vehicle for buying a slice of the Free State.
In addition, on Friday, I will first be listening to Nackey Loeb First Amendment winner, Laurie Ortolano, followed by a RTK panel discussion with one of the leading First Amendment lawyers in New England, Gregory Sullivan. Also on Friday, there’s a secession/independence panel where Free Staters will discuss their different visions for the future of New Hampshire.
I’d like to extend my personal thanks to Liberty Forum organizers Marian Ward, supported by Tammy Simmons Garthwaite, for all their efforts! It’s never easy, and I appreciate YOU!
The ISFL Conference in Prague in 2016 holds many conflicting memories for me.
On the one hand, I was thrilled to be invited and participating in the conference, especially since I’d never been to the Czech Republic before, but, it was also on this trip that I became aware of how undeniably unhealthy I had become.
Physically, I was overweight, inflamed, and my fat ass was not enjoying hours of walking around a new city, usually a favorite pastime.
Mentally, I was exhausted. I’d been arrested, gone through a grueling court case which I eventually won 4 years later. I’d gotten fired from my day job, canceled if you will, before there was a name for it. I’d just triggered the move, announced at a press conference in February 2016, during the First in the Nation Primary, followed by an iconic Liberty Forum with Edward Snowden as our keynote.
I’d just handed the reins to Matt Philips, who was taking over as FSP president. I’d told the board, for the first time in five years, I would not be checking in at all for the week I was in Prague.
Drama!!! Much drama ensued, which you can read about in my next book.
The point of this post is about CHANGING THINGS YOU DON’T LIKE.
In order to do that, you need:
- An honest reckoning with yourself
- An expressed desire to change
- An understanding about what to change
- Knowledge on how
- Focus on smaller goals
I’m in better shape, healthier, and happier now than I was 8 years ago.
There are many reasons for this, first and foremost an incredible, supportive (and competitive) partner, Louis Calitz.
Together, we changed our diets and lifestyles, including both independently quitting alcohol by December 2017.
Once you eliminate the low-grade malaise that proliferates your life on alcohol (it’s a neuro-toxin and depressant), other things become illuminated.
Things like Individualism.
And Individualism within a group.
Building a community of individuals is hard.
Building a strong community of strong LIBERTARIAN individuals is harder.
Everyone’s heard the joke, “It’s like herding cats.”
Some of you have heard my corollary, “Sometimes, you want to put those damn cats in a pillowcase and drown them by the river.”
But, of course, you don’t, because ultimately, we subscribe to the Non-Aggression Principle.
But you do need a coping strategy for when the collective, the whole, the wild and undefined group, lumped together as “Free Staters” gets blamed for AN INDIVIDUAL’S behavior.
Here’s the truth: I am NOT responsible for another person’s actions. And neither are you. And you should never let the enemies of liberty get away with demeaning a whole group for the acts of an individual. For example: You never see newspaper articles identifying murderers by their political parties, so why would we tolerate the media painting us all under one brush when an individual libertarian does something heinous?
It took me a long time to fully internalize this. Whenever “a Free Stater” does something you don’t like, it is an opportunity to talk about INDIVIDUALISM.
If you don’t like the brand, ask yourself, what are YOU doing to build a better one? How are YOU spreading the message of liberty? How are YOU showing up in the world?
Are YOU wearing a clean shirt today?
Read the whole article HERE…
“Carla Gericke is acting president of the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence and a spokesperson for the Free State Project (FSP), a movement which encourages libertarian-leaning individuals to ‘move to New Hampshire for liberty.’
To join the FSP, which it claims more than 20,000 people have already done, individuals are required to ‘state my solemn intent to move to the State of New Hampshire’ then ‘exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of civil government is the protection of individuals’ life, liberty and property.’
Justifying the policy, the FSP states: ‘By concentrating our numbers in a single state, we are maximizing our impact as activists, entrepreneurs, community builders, and thought leaders.’ While not all FSP activists support outright independence for the Granite State, Gericke certainly does, telling Newsweek: ‘It’s an idea whose time has come and a reflection of the frustration everyone on the political spectrum is feeling.’
On January 3, Representative Jason Gerhard, a Republican in the New Hampshire legislature, introduced a bill stating that should the federal debt ever reach $40 trillion, around $6 trillion more than at present, the state “shall declare independence and proceed as a sovereign nation.”
Above is what Edward Snowden saw at Liberty Forum 2016. (Get your tix to Liberty Forum 2024 with Tulsi Gabbard today!)
Right after he saw us all put up masks of his face to drive home the point, “We are all Edward Snowden now.” I remember during the sound check having to warn him about the masks because I thought it might be strange to be confronted by such a visual unexpectedly. He was embarrassed, flattered, and gracious.
Still think the whole Snowden package–from getting him to speak, to getting the announcement that he was speaking on the front page of hundreds of newspapers worldwide, to the masks, to the incredible interview with Nick Gillespie of REASON–was one of our coolest “Only in the Free State” moments!
Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen. Feel free to add your recollections too.
I ran across this post that Liberty Forum Producer Angela Harris made soon after the 2016 event:
WOW, what a weekend! If you had told me a year ago that Emmett and I would be organizing the next Liberty Forum, and that not only would we have Edward Snowden as our keynote speaker, but that we would have already Triggered the Move weeks before, I would have told you were crazy – optimistic and cute, but crazy. Now my head is reeling from the reality of it all – I need a pinch! Or a drink! (Ask me about my Emergency Nip if we get a chance –this may become an essential part of my packing routine in the future.)
I kept watch over the course of the four days, and almost everywhere I turned, I saw smiling faces and heard excited voices – people greeting old friends, enrapt in conversations in the corridors, laughing together as they headed off to the next gathering. It was truly humbling and invigorating to play host to such a diverse and passionate group of people.

An event the size and scope of Liberty Forum does not come together overnight, and it does not happen at the whim of one, or even two, people – it takes a small army of dedicated volunteers to pull it off and make it look effortless and seamless, and each of our volunteers devoted untold amounts of time, talent, and treasure to make Liberty Forum 2016 one for the record books. My sincere, heartfelt thanks go out to everyone on the entire team, especially:
Amy Day for pulling together a million threads to make one cohesive, impressive schedule – your talents amaze me and I thank you for dealing with my billion-and-one emails every day;
Sandy Pierre for wrangling libertarian cats into speaking slots and ensuring they all had the information they needed;
Kyle Laura Bennett for stocking and managing a kick-ass VIP suite – it truly felt like home away from home (but much nicer!);
Chip Spangler for running back and forth between four salons to keep the A/V machine humming so that everyone could see and hear what was going on;
Liam Enael for sending the signal to the universe, designing and printing the printed matter, and pulling my bacon out of the fire more than once;
Samantha Leane for keeping the Registration table running smoothly and making sure everyone got where they needed to go – oh, and for having an amazing collection of pretty paperclips;
Hershel Nunez for reaching out to and wrangling not 10, not 20, but 40+ exhibitors – you are a gracious host and have great vision;
Nicholas Buroker for not breaking the Internet during the Snowden talk; 😉
Carolyn Albert for going above and beyond the call of duty to make sure speakers got here and home again, and had lodging in between;
Rachel Goldsmith for liaising with our sponsors and making sure their needs were all met;
Jessica Love for envisioning and creating Porc Family Connection, giving parents a place to take their kids and where they could have fun while interacting with other parents – I don’t think there is any other conference in the world that has anything close;
Christine Mizer Butler for outstanding creative vision for the Liberty in Action Awards dinner – you and your team knocked it out of the park!;
Andre Rosa for a fabulously funny story and spectacular performance – what a show!;
JJ Epic for filming Snowden’s talk and the Liberty in Action Awards – wonderful eye, beautiful work!;
Jon Lts for putting on a hilarious comedy show to start the weekend off on the right foot;
Theresa Eudaimonia for keeping our relationship with the hotel on good footing and other various and sundry important deeds of helpfulness throughout the weekend;
Tara.טארה פאוול for deescalating situations (and de-icky-fying situations) like a PRO!;
Chris Lopez for being an amazing ambassador for Manchester by arranging ten spectacular off-site tours for the weekend;
Glenn Bailey for always being ready with some muscle when needed;
Dawn Lincoln for keeping the salons running smoothly and ensuring our speakers and attendees had what they needed for the talks;
Kari DePhillips and Brinck Slattery for being the bestest PR team on the planet;
Tennyson McCalla for being everywhere, tirelessly taking photos of everyone and everything, and putting up with my self-critical eye;
Jeremy Harris for being an awesome Man Friday and happily filling in where needed;
and last, but by no means least, Carla Gericke and Matt Philips for being an outstanding resource for all things Organizer, and for landing some pretty phenomenal speakers!
My deepest gratitude to all! And this is only the tip of the iceberg; many of these team members had a team of their own, each and every one of them working to ensure that Liberty Forum 2016 went off without a hitch, that each attendee had an enjoyable time, and that folks would want to come back for Liberty Forum 2017. I would say they were totally successful! I am exceptionally proud to have worked with this outstanding group of folks; they are the reason Liberty Forum happened at all. Please give them a pat on the back if you see them. 😃 ❤
I was contacted by the Washington Examiner about states rights and independence. No article came out, so I’m sharing my answers here so that my time wasn’t totally wasted.
1. Can you quickly summarize what the FSP is, and how the modern project relates to secession?
The Free State Project is an educational nonprofit extolling the virtues of living free in New Hampshire. The Free State Movement is a geo-political-social movement made up of individual “Free Staters” who are concentrating by the thousands in New Hampshire, consistently ranked the freest state. Not all Free Staters are secessionists, but many are. The original essay in 2001 by FSP Founder, Jason Sorens, discussed using the threat of secession to gain more freedom from the federal government.
Within the Free State Movement, there are differing views of how best to achieve independence. For example, there is the Foundation for NH Independence, a federally recognized 501c3 whose mission is to advocate for the peaceful separation from the federal government, and then there is NHExit, a decentralized group of concerned individuals, and there’s the Club 75 Alliance, which promotes the idea of legally opting out of federal income tax. I’m sure there are even more flavors developing that I don’t know about… it’s an idea that is gaining in popularity as the federal government skids totally off the rails.
Some Free Staters are elected officials, and they have introduced bills and Constitutional amendments regarding secession, nullification, and reducing the size and scope of the federal government in NH. For example: a bill being heard in committee this week, HB 1156, will prohibit enforcement of any CDC and WHO regulations in New Hampshire.
2. Why do you believe that New Hampshire seceding from the United States is the best thing for NH residents?
First, I’m not sure it is, but we should have the right to start that discussion, explore our options, and allow Granite Staters to vote on it for themselves given all the pertinent facts. The federal debt is insurmountable. We need to get ahead of DC’s problems!
DC is a cesspool of corruption, illegal, undeclared wars, warrantless searches, and confiscatory taxation. The Elites have an insatiable appetite for power and control. When was something actually reformed in DC? Can you show me one problem DC has actually fixed? Ever…? We all suffered under their paranoid delusions during Covid, and saw how they put themselves and Big Pharma before any of us.
DC doesn’t work for ordinary Americans, and ‘We, The People’ are starting to notice.
New Hampshire has the makings of a prosperous and successful small country. Of the ten richest countries in the world, five are geographically smaller than New Hampshire. We have a strong, diversified economy, a border with Canada, and a deep sea port, making us ideally situated for international trade — including trade with the United States. We also have a nuclear plant which provides clean green energy to a large part of the Eastern seaboard, and there are plans to expand nuclear capabilities in NH, including a current bill introduced by a Free Stater to allow for small modular nuclear reactors.
3. What do you believe NH voters should think about when it comes to secession?
How much better their future could be! We have all been conditioned to only look for problems, not solutions, but I was drawn to the FSP because it is a solution-based approach that gives my life meaning.
Voters should think like this: What would it be like to build a new country? What would we need? What would be some of the challenges? This is exactly what HB 1130 was supposed to address. This bill would have created a study commission to start answering our neighbors’ legitimate questions and concerns. One I frequently hear is: “What would happen to my benefits?” This is a legitimate concern, but people forget, many American retirees live in foreign countries like Mexico already, and they still receive their benefits. My point is: Nothing is unsolvable, we just need the appetite to think outside the box!
4. Do you think there is a viable alternative to secession? If so, how likely do you think it is to happen?
I prefer the term “independence” to “secession,” because of the historical baggage of the term “secession”–people want to make it sound scary! But I also prefer “independence” because it’s a term that can be applied to oneself in a self-empowerment sense, as well as, to, well, more broadly, a new country.
Look, decentralization is the future. More countries exist now than ever before, and for the first time in history, because of advances in technology, humans can align according to values as well as geographically. The Free State of NH is both: A small, geographic area where people are embracing universal freedom, property rights, individual liberty, and personal responsibility. I’m trying to build a prosperous country along the lines of a “Switzerland of North America.”
I think we get people used to the idea of independence by talking about states’ rights and by nullifying overreaching federal regulations and agencies. You’ve already seen this happen with cannabis laws, and it is starting to happen with regard to immigration like we’re now seeing in Texas, and with the school choice movement over the past decade, and this could be extended even further to include things like nullifying the EPA, IRS, and SEC, say.
These days, people talk about “National Divorce,” and I think this is a useful framing to help the public understand the issues, but I don’t want an America divided solely into Red and Blue states, because ultimately, here in NH, we want a libertarian homeland: live and let live, mind your own business, keep what’s yours, and don’t be a jerk. Basically: “Don’t hurt people and don’t take their stuff”.
People seem to forget that the United States was supposed to be “laboratories of democracy,” where competition would allow the best ideas to rise. I want New Hampshire to become the beacon of liberty to remind people embracing freedom leads to human flourishing.
5. The NH legislature just rejected the latest attempt to get secession on the November ballot. Do you have any response to this rejection?
I view every attempt as a win! Candidly, this is an idea that will take years to gain general acceptance, but as long as the federal government keeps overreaching, the independence movement will continue to grow, both here in NH and in Texas, and elsewhere.
The question of New Hampshire’s independence should, however, rightfully be put in front of NH voters, and I will keep pushing for this. It is not up to the legislature to decide whether we stay or go, and this is where we need to focus our messaging… “Why should 424 people in Concord get to play gatekeeper on such a big issue? What right do they have to decide YOUR future for you?”
I’m confident this issue will continue to gain momentum. This is early days yet.
6. What do you tell critics who claim that secession is unconstitutional?
Meh. The people who say that have a 100% conflict of interest. How long does this so-called contract or compact last? Eternity? Has no other border ever changed or evolved? How was America born again? America is literally the result of some King Dude saying “You can’t secede”, so I say to people making similar arguments, Try again. By which I mean, “If at first you don’t secede, try, try, try again!” [lol]
7. What would secession look like, if it was successful? Like what are some immediate changes that would happen?
If Granite Staters voted overwhelmingly to become an independent nation state, NH will become a prosperous and peaceful country, along the lines of other small, successful countries like Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, or Switzerland. We would have four times the size of Iceland’s population, and no one ever tells them they’re not viable.
Easy border crossings for work and trade would be ensured, much like countries in the Schengen Area in Europe do. Many American retirees already receive their social security pensions in foreign countries like Mexico, so that could continue, assuming these programs aren’t entirely bankrupt (which is more likely given their current unspoken insolvency).
In general, Granite Staters would immediately be richer, no longer having to pay federal income taxes (NH is currently a net payer to the federal government). State and local governments would become open and transparent, and all government information collected would be available in searchable public databases.
Government services would be privatized over time, allowing the competitive nature of the free market to work, meaning services have become cheaper and better.
Competing currencies, including cryptocurrencies, would be allowed, thereby creating a robust new economy. Tourism would thrive because people from across the world would be drawn to see how the freest place on earth functions. Digital nomads can buy NH citizenship for the protections afforded by being a citizen of the greatest place on Earth. (:P)
8. Is there anything else you would like to add?
Imagine it’s 300 years ago in Europe, and a village peasant is like, “Yo, Dude, wanna get in early on Switzerland?”
Now imagine I’m that peasant saying, “Care to still get in early on the freest place on earth?”
That’s what I’m trying to accomplish. Let’s let go of the things that are no longer serving us…like the federal government, and let’s embrace a beautiful and better future: the Free State. First New Hampshire, then the world.
Even as someone who despises the federal government enough that I think we can do better on our own, I’ve learned to appreciate the First in the Nation Primary in NH… It’s been described as the “Superbowl of politics,” but this time round, it’s just not what it used to be…
With Grandpa too senile and The Party too demented to bother to put Biden on the ballot, the circus element from the left is somewhat lacking.
— Victoria Sullivan (@VictoriaSul21) January 23, 2024
He’s not that into you.
Add to that, DeSantis and Vivek dropping out, and the circus on the right is also hamstrung.
If FITN is our Bread & Circuses, this Primary reflects more bread lines, less ringmasters.
That said, there are always opportunities to be seized.
FSP founder Jason Sorens, our new executive director and Maine Senator Eric Brakey, and I did a walk-and-talk segment with Lawrence Jones from Fox & Friends in downtown Manchester yesterday.
By happenstance, Andrew Sylvia of Manchester Ink Link was on a corner and snapped a pic of the crew following me to Hanover Street.
.@CarlaGericke has a media entourage near Amherst and Elm #NHPolitics
— andrewsylvia (@andrewsylvia) January 22, 2024
The 3-minute segment airs today and is a profound gift to spread the message of the Free State Project to a massive new audience.
After the shoot, we stopped for lunch at the DoubleTree, where in years past, Radio Row was buzzing, and TV news trucks would be lined up in front of the hotel.
On Sunday, Eric and I did sit down with Granite Grok to discuss our views on the upcoming Primary and the future of liberty in New Hampshire (see OP pic of Eric, who got pulled into a second interview with students from Franklin Pierce School of Law), but compared to the past, on Monday, Radio Row was bleak and there were no news trucks.
But, Andrew Yang showed up (he’s behind Jason in the photo), then Lily Tang Williams popped in to say hello, and I had a good conversation with Federation of Republican Women stalwart, Augusta Petrone, whose fantastic “pinkie up” High Teas at her beautiful mansion are always worth attending.

While I was talking to Augusta, I had my parking ticket in my hand but somehow lost it on the way to the car.
I was unnecessarily angry at myself about this, mad because my “pre-planning” (having the tix out) had backfired and now I’d have to pay a gazillion bucks for a quick lunch stop.
Me to parking attendant: “I lost my fucking ticket. But if it helps, I parked at 12:08.” He never said a word or acknowledged my statement but I only paid $8 not $22. Grateful!
Then I stopped in at the Quill and met with comedian and podcaster Andrew Heaton. Eric and Joshua Holmes sat down for an interview and I headed home to help clients who are in the market for a house.
Here’s Heaton and co at a podcast recording over the weekend.
Right now in New Hampshire —@JustinRYoung, @MightyHeaton, and @JenBriney up for the NH Primary, recording a live podcast episode of “We’re Not Wrong” at @ToShareBrewing in Manchester, NH.
— The Free State 🦔 (@FreeStateNH) January 21, 2024
As I drove home, I thought how thankful I am that our movement has arrived.
That Free Staters are now an embedded part of NH’s political landscape. That what we have accomplished, and will accomplish, is undeniable.
That the community we’re building is growing.That our human action is making the Live Free or Die state more better.
Our time has come.
Let’s not squander it on a strategy of being assholes. Let’s leverage it to become the people other people want to be like!
Let’s emulate our principles in a way that ATTRACTS not repels. Marcus Aurelius said: “Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble up, if you will ever dig.”
Let’s live free… and thrive!