Basically, this is a curried minced beef dish with apple and dates topped with an egg custard. You are welcome.

Preheat the oven to 350F. Heat lard in cast iron skillet over medium heat. Sautee onions and garlic, add and brown the ground beef breaking into small crumbles. Remove some of the grease, if necessary. Add the apple and dates. Stir. Add the spices and cook until meat is cooked and dish is fragrant. Remove from the heat. Cover in loose tinfoil and place in oven. Cook for 30 minutes at 350F. A few minutes before the dish is ready, mix the cream and 5 eggs, season with salt and pepper, and beat until frothy. Remove meat from oven, pour over the eggs, add the bay leaves, and return to oven. Bake for 7-10 minutes, until the egg custard on top is cooked through. I serve this with toasted coconut flakes, Mrs. Balls chutney, and sometimes, if I'm cheating, sliced fresh bananas with mayo/yogurt mix with parsley. Traditionally, bobotie is also served with "borrie rys" which is turmeric infused rice. I find it doesn't need the carbs to be a freedomnomnom bomb!