Live Free and Thrive
I turn 52 today! As I sit in the Acapulco Airport waiting for my flight back to the Free State, I’m thinking about, well, the screaming brat yelling I WANT TO GO PEE-PEE, but as I channel my inner calm here lol, I’m thinking about how fortunate I am.
I have an amazing, loving husband, Louis Calitz. I have incredible friends who adore me. I have a high-energy dog Obi who keeps me fit and my imaginary backyard dinosaurs have started laying again. I live in the world’s only libertarian homeland, in a community thousands and thousands strong, who have my back and I have theirs. I cherish the house we bought that we’re slowly renovating, the place that gave me the roots I needed to heal.
I am grateful for my life and everything I have accomplished to date. But I also yearn for more… More travel, more adventure, more discovery of myself and the world at this unique time in history. I seek more success as a writer, artist, and teacher.
This Anarchapulco reminded me I need to keep pushing myself to new heights, in uncomfortable directions, and never give up on becoming my true self.
This starts with integrity to self, making sure your thoughts and actions are aligned. It means having hard conversations. Acknowledging faults and figuring out how to do better next time. Celebrating successes and striving for more!
I am proud of the woman I have become. I can’t wait to see what I do in the next 52 years!
Thank you for all the birthday wishes. I love you all!
This just in from the Mercatus Center: NH keeps the lead at #1 in Overall Freedom!
Thank you to all those that work tirelessly to increase the Free State’s lead. If you are a hard working, liberty minded doer, move to NH, roll up your sleeves and get involved! A lot has been accomplished, but there’s much more to still do!
Delve into the NH data HERE.
Life in the Free State: GroktoberFest, A Move-In Party, MTG, Halloween, And More!
Man, I’m exhausted! This has been an insane time here in the Free State!
GroktoberFest kicked off with a bang! This celebration of independent media in New Hampshire featured several Free State speakers who also write for Granite Grok, like Ian Underwood, author of the Bare Minimum Books series. The Free State Project had a table, manned by the Honorable Mark Warden and I. Mark stayed on to the end, and I departed early for a 45-minute drive to go welcome new movers at their move-in party. It is always rewarding to meet the pioneers making the life-changing choice to come build the freest place on earth with us. This growing family moved from Maine because they understand the value proposition of concentrating freedom lovers together in one state, where we CAN and ARE making a difference. NH consistently ranks as the freest state and has some of the best quality of living in the world.

Political season is heating up and the candidates are vying for attention. There are nonstop meet ‘n greets, breakfasts, town halls, dinners, and more. I met Marjorie Taylor Greene at the Federation of Republican Women Breakfast and heard her speak again the same evening at the Grafton County Republican Lincoln Reagan Dinner in Thornton. She mentioned National Divorce in her evening speech, and panned Biden for the insane and unsustainable amounts of money being wasted on foreign wars while not securing the Southern border. Here I am with Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Sabourin dit Choinière, Chairman of the NH Independence PAC.

I also recently attended a Health Freedom rally with Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo and presidential candidate, Ron De Santis. The focus of this event was Health Freedom, which, if you followed my activism during Covidmania, you know is a topic near and dear to my non-jabbed heart. Free Stater and House Majority Leader Jason Osborne gave the opening remarks, welcoming Ladapo to the stage. Sadly, I had to leave early to go record Manch Talk, but I was impressed by Ladapo’s statements.

I had so many Halloween engagements this year, I ran out of costumes! (I’m filing that under “good problems” and can’t wait to augment my coffers.) There was a party at The Shell. We HEART West hosted a neighborhood Trunk or Treat at St. Mary’s Bank on the West Side. Tons of parents and kids came! Constance Spencer, the lead organizer of PorcFest 2024 (get your tix TODAY) threw a spooktacular neighborhood party on Halloween with scores of kiddoes and grownups with great costumes stopping by for candy and to compliment her excellently scary decorations. And… after all this, Bardo’s annual Zombie Apocalypse is still coming up this weekend.

Lifestyle choices make a difference!
Which means YOU are in control!
These pics are 7 years apart, and I am healthier and happier at 51, than I was in 2016.
1. I now prioritize myself. This means saying NO a lot more.
2. NO to things like alcohol, carbs, sugar, and toxic people who steal your time.
3. I dealt with my childhood abandonment issues, resetting my mindworms and freeing myself from negative self-talk, which allowed me to accept and love my authentic self: wild, honest, brilliant.
4. Actively monitoring sleep, hydration, and meditation.
5. Practicing mindfulness through yoga, breathing techniques, and forest-bathing.
6. I take a goddamn cold shower every day.
7. I practice gratitude through daily journaling, capturing how thankful I am for my husband, my family, my friends, my community, my dog, my environment, even every single mushroom I spot… I am very grateful for my beautiful life!
We only have NOW!
If YOU want to become BETTER as you age, follow me for inspiration.
Live free and thrive!
My entire life philosophy: Live free & thrive! YOU have to claim self-ownership and in doing so, liberate yourself. Who is the boss of you?
Once you understand that YOU are responsible for every choice you make, you can start making better choices.
Yes, as humans, we are fallible. We make mistakes. Sometimes–okay, oftentimes–we choose poorly.
But when you strive towards mindful awareness–through improved lifestyle choices like journaling, meditation, forest bathing (walking in the woods), diet and sleep–your life WILL become more fulfilling.
Choosing to focus on and “fix” or “heal” yourself should be your #1 goal. You cannot, and frankly, should not, try to “fix” anything beyond yourself until you are operating maximally.
If you are overweight, start there by eliminating processed foods from your diet. Eliminate seed oils, cut back on sugar & carbs. Eat animal fats for brain health.
If you don’t sleep well, figure out the steps to improve your bedtime routine, from stopping caffeine earlier in the day to dropping the temperature a few degrees overnight.
If you are working or partying too hard, consider 3 things you can change. Write them down and then implement them incrementally.
Reward yourself when you reach a goal, but NOT with something that is “bad” for you! I cannot stress this enough! Seems obvious, but you’d be surprised how many of us “treat” ourselves with the very things we are trying to change. When I noticed and internalized this counter-productive behavior in myself, things really clicked into place for me!
We get one chance to make the most of life. Live free and thrive… and STRIVE to thrive!
(And now I have today’s “My Life” Post-It lol)
I wrote this statement, “Not being scared IS being healthy” on my office white board in March 2020. Words I live by, and I hope you find solace in them too.
Mindset has a massive influence on every aspect of your life, including the choices you make to fuel your body and mind, which then directly influence your health. The healthier your choices become, the easier it is to stay on the path because health becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy (of YOUR MAKING).
Healthier choices include: eliminate processed foods; stop drinking sodas even sugar-free; eat low carb, medium protein, high good fats; walk outside for 10-30 mins a day.
And, SWITCH OFF THE LEGACY NEWS. It is literally designed to make you fearful and controllable.
Remember, the Control Freaks want you afraid, unwell, and supplicant, and are supporting legacy systems that make and keep you tethered to their toxic world. Break free and thrive!
Follow me everywhere on social for tips on Ancestral, keto/paleo, alcohol-free, purpose-driven living in the Free State!
Find my links on the pinned post on my wall, or below.
1. The best way to keep up with me is on my profile, so FOLLOW:
2. I deliver some snark on Twitter:
3. I post memes and photos of mushrooms and my hubs of 27 years on Insta:
You can learn more about me and the dozen+ years of liberty activism I have done in the Free State of NH:
I worked with Steve Jobs!
I was wrongfully arrested. And then I won!
I have 25+ years experience as an author, activist, and attorney!
I have a YT channel called Carla Gericke TV, where I do my cooking show called #Freedomnomnom (check out that hashtag for delicious #keto and #paleo noms!) and do a couple of weekly NH-based cable access TV shows: Manch Talk and The Carla Gericke Show, and on Mondays, a live podcast, Free State Live at 8PM.
Want more local news from a liberty perspective? Follow along!
Censorproof Odysee where I’d LOVE to build out my audience:
Why is New Hampshire Becoming a Sanctuary for Liberty? In short, it’s because of people like today’s guest and the rest of her team at the Free State Project!
Carla Gericke returns to the program outlining the recent wins the FSP has experience, plus we discuss Carla’s brand new program, “The Carla Gericke Show”.