In what Democrats are calling a “stunning upset,” for the first time in 34 years, Manchester has a Republican Mayor, Jay Ruias, AND a majority on the Board of Mayor and Alderman. This is fantastic news, a backlash against the Democrats disastrous mismanagement of New Hampshire’s largest city, where we have seen rising crime and homelessness for years under former mayor and now gubernatorial candidate, Joyce Craig.
Our new mayor, Jay Ruias, has his work cut out for him because of Democrats mismanagement over many years. But, he will have support on the BOMA for the first time in more than 3 decades, giving limited-government types a massive opportunity to introduce market-driven solutions to problems.

Congrats to Norm Vincent in Ward 11, and all the other Republicans who won in their wards. Thank you to AFP-NH and all the other grassroots organizations who helped make this success happen. Let’s make sure we maximize on this opportunity, and show Granite State voters that smaller government that lets you keep more of your money to spend as you see fit, is the best way to govern.