My Magic 8-ball says, Outlook Not So Good. This week, I give a run down of past attempts to legalize cannabis in NH, and explain what’s up with HB 75, a decriminalization bill.
Were you as shocked as I was to see all these so-called anti-establishment Democrats, like Warren and Bernie, shilling for Big Pharma, Big Ag, and Big Bro? Hassan’s grandstanding comes off as embarrassingly confused–is she for bodily autonomy, or not? Or just sometimes, for abortions? RFK says he has prayed for 25 years to be able to help children get well. Guess whether he gets confirmed is a referendum on whether DC is the Hell Mouth, or not?
We talk about AI, the future of schooling, schools costs, Elon, and more!
Have the lunatics taken over the asylum? What happens when you cater to the lowest common denominator? Is this simply the result of socialism? Obvi, Carla has some things to say this week! Tammy leads us through the NHLA endorsed Manchester candidates, we talk Trump and Elon, and more!
*Gasp* Incompetent Men in Positions of Authority??? Never!!! (Manch Talk 07/24/24)
Whether you want to call it “The Patriarchy” or the “Old Boys Club,” historically, incompetent men have been protected by The System at the expense of better alternatives. Instead of feeding the false narrative of DEI propagated by both sides–white men will never work again! airplanes will fall from the skies!–how about you start to believe your own eyes and make up your own mind about the world? Stop yelling nonsense about whatever manufactured hysteria is du jour. Know thyself: This is where true freedom lies.