What if we lay the blame for poverty at the government’s feet where it belongs? Comrade Volinksy complains about a lack of minimum wage, but what he really needs is a lesson in sound money. America is paying today’s bills with credit cards. How long can it last? And… tulips!
This week, we talk about, guess what? Yes, you know it. Also, more of that. Stuff. That Covers Your Mouth. Like censorship. Join us to learn more about how to accept what you cannot change about 2020, and how by applying empathy, we can help our friends and neighbors heal!
Watch on censor-proof Odysee!
If YOU haven’t watch this video, do eeeeeeet!!! Yes, it’s two years old, but it’s by far the most personally meaningful video I’ve made, touching on all my core issues: liberty > security; privacy and transparency; police accountability and resisting an authoritarian police state; vices are not crimes; and keeping NH awesome!
The issues are fresh af, and after 2020, I think civil libertarians agree, we WILL NOT give up our rights to scared, conditioned, passively obedient, non-thinking people. Sorry.
In this clip, near the end after I ask the genuine question, “When you watch The Matrix, who do you root for? Because in real life, too many people are rooting for Agent Smith!”, I talk about the evolution of signs I have personally made in my dozen+ years of liberty activism in the Free State of NH:
Don’t taze me, bro
Don’t tax me, bro
Don’t lock me down, bro
Don’t spy on me, bro
Don’t teargas me, bro
Now, sadly, I’ll have to add these:
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You CAN Fight City Hall and Laurie Is Proof Positive! (Manch Talk 03/30/21)
This week on Manch Talk, I am joined by Right-to-Know open government activist, Laurie Ortolano from Nashua. Laurie takes us through an in-depth look at her case to make sure Nashua City Hall and the tax assessors office are functioning properly in an open, accessible, accountable and responsive way. (Psst: Guess what? They’re not, and she and other activists have been arrested to prove it!) (Double psst: What do you call it when the Mayor in a town gets special tax treatment?)
If Only There Was a Way to Tell Who the Bad Cops Are… Oh, Wait… (Manch Talk 03/16/21)
In honor of Sunshine Week, this Sunday, the Union Leader printed the entire redacted Laurie’s List to show Granite Staters the shocking number cops with “sustained findings of misconduct” being hidden from public view. We discuss your Constitutionally-protected Right-to-Know, recent court successes, and suspicious rollbacks being attempted at the State House. Tune in to learn more!
Learn more about this issue:
Open government
Government accountability