This week, we discuss the two firetruck’s that crashed that is going to cost the City millions, the difference in how us regular folks are treated by the government as compared to how they treat themselves (e.g. do as I say, not as I do), and more!
Special guest Lyn Ulbricht joins us on Manch Talk this week to discuss her son, a non-violent first-time offender, Ross Ulbricht’s draconian double life sentence (plus 40 years) for building a website. You can sign the petition for commutation (time served) and learn more at Please join the fight for Ross’s freedom!
Want to get involved? Come to the Free Ross Rally on February 10th at 4pm at SNHU Arena in downtown Manchester. Find more details and RSVP HERE. Thank YOU for helping!
This week we discuss fresh approaches to education funding like allowing the money to follow the child, thereby empowering parents to pick the best education solution for their kids while also driving down costs for taxpayers. Win-win! After all, why should taxpayers be forced to continue to fund things that fail to deliver anything close to what is promised?
This week on Manch Talk, it’s ‘Festivus for the Rest of Us’! Or maybe, the ‘Best of Us’?!? In today’s episode, we do a little “Airing of Grievances.” Watch to see with whom we “have a lot of problems with you people!” Can you guess who made the list?
This week, we discuss how Democrats, led by Lou D’Allesandro, tabled $46 MILLION bucks in federal grant money for NH charter schools out of… Why? What could possibly motivate them to do such a thing? Watch to find out what we think, and repeat after me: “My Education, my choice!”
In today’s episode, we discuss the legal battle that developed regarding the School Charter Commission (see background HERE), and I get a little feisty about the violent attack by a police officer on a Keene High School student last week. HERE’s more on what I think about this level of violence being condoned in our schools. I also cover this topic in this week’s Told You So podcast, which drops tomorrow.