Back after a short break, this week we cover a lot of philosophical ground. What does the Golden Rule mean to you? Treat others as you want to be treated or… treat people the way they treat you? Also, Trump’s assassination attempt, weight loss medicines, and more!
What is the point of communication? Well, either you use words to talk to get what you want (persuasion = good), or you use force to take it (coercion = bad). As a society, the government has compromised our ability to speak clearly to each other by changing the meaning of words online real-time. This is what Orwell warned us about. Also, Carla gets super-excited about her first muskrat sighting!
Would you believe me if I told you, less is more? Less government would mean more prosperity? You’d be at least 30% richer if we eliminated the bureaucratic red tape strangling our economy today. Tammy tells us about the new documentary, Flynn, we discuss the upcoming elections, shocking RTK prosecutions, and more!
This week we delve further into the Sununu YDC scandal. Who is the judge? What would the economic impact be to the State if every incident receives the mandated $475,000 maximum–there are 1,400 complainants, each with numerous incidents, you do the math!?!? We also discuss the latest dramas surrounding the upcoming LP Convention in DC at the end of the month, and more!
Gardening to poop? Sounds about right in this week’s edition of Manch Talk. We sing the praises of the volunteers helping to clean our parks, and talk about other crap (literally). Want to improve your health? Start here: watch the documentary we are discussing on Netflix: HACK YOUR HEALTH.
This week we delve into rotten wife-beating cops, congressional war pigs, and other things wrong with Big Gov, like, idk, waving Ukrainian flags in the US Congress. On the other side of the equation, private charity efforts in Manchester include the Piscataquag River Park clean up this Saturday, also the Pine Tree Riot event hosted by AFP-NH in Goffstown (at the Kaloogians), and if YOU are looking for a small way to make a difference in Manchester, go pick up litter around your house! More about the park clean up from We <3 West.