A new tool that tells you exactly the zoning requirements at any address in NH? Wut??? Cool beans.
Check it out: NH ZONING ATLAS.
A new tool that tells you exactly the zoning requirements at any address in NH? Wut??? Cool beans.
Check it out: NH ZONING ATLAS.
This episode of Rock, Paper, Hand Grenades was recorded a year ago, and disappeared off Youtube. Catch it now to see why! (And it’s not because I can’t say “amygdala” right!)
This episode got banned off YT, and not just because I don’t know how to say “amygdala” properly
Posted by Carla Gericke on Thursday, September 8, 2022
Tom Woods and Carla Gericke catch up on goings-on in the Free State. They discuss the recent attempt by a real-life Karen to disqualify from election candidates running for office because she didn’t like the bill they introduced (CACR 32), states’ rights and National Divorce, Carla’s race for House of Representatives [DONATE NOW!], and more!
If you follow my work, you know I am a big fan of open and transparent government (I serve on the board of Right-to-Know NH, a nonpartisan group of concerned NH citizens), because if we don’t know what the government is up to, we cannot keep them accountable.
Transparency in government is vital to a functioning society, because you cannot both purport to work for us, the people, and keep secrets from us “for our own good.”
This is how abusers operate.
Over the past 2 decades, primarily after 9/11 when America really lost its way, the media, with every “unnamed source” and “intelligence sources say,” that started cropping up, became derelict. We no longer have a functioning 4th Estate.
No one in government is held responsible for anything anymore… starting with the WMD lies and ending with whatever this Covidmania shit-show is.
You may recall the Laurie’s List printed by the Union Leader in March 2021 for Sunshine Week showed several columns of blacked-out information about bad deeds done by unnamed cops. At the time, I thought if ordinary Granite Staters could SEE how even our local AG’s office obscures and hides the truth, you might wake up.
I am sharing this FOIA response from the Pentagon for the same reason. A serviceman who refused to get a medical treatment against his will was told:
“We found no indication of misconduct by [Air Force] Secretary [Frank] Kendall,” the document reads, before redacting the entirety of the explanation.”
This is your government. Do YOU approve?
Read more from the Ron Paul Institute about the legal bind the military finds itself in on this issue. (They may, by law, only mandate approved vaccines, but not emergency approved ones, and now everyone is scrambling.)
This RTK request was sent to the following email addresses and submitted via the Mayor’s online form this morning: “Jeanine@jeanineandcompany.com, smacleod@manchesternh.gov, mayor@manchesternh.gov, PCD-ARPA@manchesternh.gov”
July 19, 2022
Dear Mayor Joyce Craig, et al (also submitted via the online form for the Mayor’s office):
RE: Right to Know Request per RSA-91A for West Side “Mark Stebbins Community Center” Project
Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A), I am requesting public access, within 5 business days, to the governmental records reasonably described as follows:
All records, no matter what form, including but not limited to, printed documents, electronic documents, e-mails, or any other form of records regarding the “Mark Stebbins Community Center” Project for the period from the initiation of the project or 07/01/21, whichever first occurred, up to and including 07/19/2022, the date of today’s Board of Alderman meeting.
In your record disclosures, please include all information relating to this project, even if it was known as something else prior to being designated the “Mark Stebbins Community Center,” including all the partners involved.
Please also include all information about alternative West Side properties considered and rejected.
Please also include any relevant federal or local grant applications submitted regarding this project.
Please also include any environmental impact studies done.
Please include information provided to abutters of the proposed “Mark Stebbins Community Center” property, including when they were informed and the opportunities, including length of time, provided to the abutting tax-paying property owners to discuss the proposal.
Please include a proposed budget and tax assessment for the services to be provided at this site.
Please also include the committee report from Lands & Buildings regarding Lot 318-3, including the criteria used to deem a property as “surplus” to City needs.
Per RSA 91-A:4 IV(c) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, available for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.
Please let me know when these records are available for inspection or you may email the records to me at: carla@carlagericke.com.
Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter.
Carla Gericke
XX Durette Court
Manchester, NH 03102
Cell: 917-607-4X5X
Email: carla@carlagericke.com
Per RSA 91-A, governmental records means “any information created, accepted, or obtained by, or on behalf of, any public body, or a quorum or majority thereof, or any public agency in furtherance of its official function. Without limiting the foregoing, the term “governmental records” includes any written communication or other information, whether in paper, electronic, or other physical form, received by a quorum or majority of a public body in furtherance of its official function, whether at a meeting or outside a meeting of the body. The term “governmental records” shall also include the term “public records.””
The Ombudsman Bill for RSA 91A Right-to-Know requests was signed into law. TBH, I was ambivalent about this one, HB481, because, on the one hand, it helps citizens with a cheaper, faster alternative to get access to information, but on the other, it grows government.
Read more about it HERE, from the former president of RTKNH and an activist instrumental in its passing, David Saad. Thanks to him for all the work he did!
We will need to be vigilant about who is appointed as the Ombudsman, otherwise this could easily become a way to quash transparency. That said, recourse in the courts–i.e. business as usual–always remains an option regardless of who is appointed as the Ombudsman.
Going forward, I am very interested in creating a repository of “open government requests,” meaning every time a RTK request is fulfilled, we add it to a searchable database, so that over time, we are simply creating open and transparent government by default, in keeping with Article 8, which expressly states that government officials ARE OUR AGENTS, and therefore cannot to things we are not allowed to do (booyah!).
My goal is to turn the Free State of NH into the most transparent and accountable government in the world.
ARTICLE 8 [Accountability of Magistrates and Officers; Public’s Right to Know.]:
“All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them. Government, therefore, should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive. To that end, the public’s right of access to governmental proceedings and records shall not be unreasonably restricted.”