Carla Gericke, fresh from an appearance with Dr. Phil, just launched the NHExit movement. (Ep. 2529 of the Tom Woods Show)
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Despite Dr. Phil’s Alarming Title, We Had An Awesome Conversation! Support NHExit Now!
Did you catch my debut on Dr Phil?
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) August 1, 2024
You can sign up at NHExit Now!
Catch the shortened version here on YouTube, which has now been watched by almost half a million viewers!
Fans are asking where they can watch the Dr. Phil episode. You can catch a shortened version on YouTube HERE. Or click the last embedded X-post below to watch the full episode on Odysee. Please like, comment, and share. This is a BIG deal for the Free State independence movement. Thanks!
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) July 30, 2024
Check out this comprehensive article about my upcoming appearance on the Dr. Phil Primetime show.
“Carla Gericke, who is running for the New Hampshire House of Representatives as a Republican while promoting the “NHExit Now” push for secession, will be featured on “Dr. Phil Primetime” alongside a Texas secessionist and other guests.
Gericke, who has also been a leader with the Free State Project — a group that aims to attract libertarian-minded movers to transform New Hampshire’s political identity — said she is working to promote the principles of liberty, self-determination, and the state’s unique heritage and values as the national debt skyrockets and the federal government keeps expanding.
“Being given the opportunity to discuss an amicable national divorce on a platform like Dr. Phil’s is a gift,” Gericke said in a statement. “As this movement reaches the mainstream, it is crucial for people to understand that while New Hampshire’s motto is ‘Live Free or Die,’ our movement is a peaceful one.”
Gericke emigrated to the United States from South Africa in 1996, moved from New York to New Hampshire in 2008, and became known by the Free State Project as “Queen Quill” for her subsequent leadership roles in a movement that has adopted the porcupine as its mascot. She won a federal court case on appeal in 2014 affirming a right to record police during a traffic stop, and she was named that year among New Hampshire Magazine’s “Remarkable Women.””
Read the whole article HERE…
“Carla Gericke is acting president of the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence and a spokesperson for the Free State Project (FSP), a movement which encourages libertarian-leaning individuals to ‘move to New Hampshire for liberty.’
To join the FSP, which it claims more than 20,000 people have already done, individuals are required to ‘state my solemn intent to move to the State of New Hampshire’ then ‘exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of civil government is the protection of individuals’ life, liberty and property.’
Justifying the policy, the FSP states: ‘By concentrating our numbers in a single state, we are maximizing our impact as activists, entrepreneurs, community builders, and thought leaders.’ While not all FSP activists support outright independence for the Granite State, Gericke certainly does, telling Newsweek: ‘It’s an idea whose time has come and a reflection of the frustration everyone on the political spectrum is feeling.’
On January 3, Representative Jason Gerhard, a Republican in the New Hampshire legislature, introduced a bill stating that should the federal debt ever reach $40 trillion, around $6 trillion more than at present, the state “shall declare independence and proceed as a sovereign nation.”
I was contacted by the Washington Examiner about states rights and independence. No article came out, so I’m sharing my answers here so that my time wasn’t totally wasted.
1. Can you quickly summarize what the FSP is, and how the modern project relates to secession?
The Free State Project is an educational nonprofit extolling the virtues of living free in New Hampshire. The Free State Movement is a geo-political-social movement made up of individual “Free Staters” who are concentrating by the thousands in New Hampshire, consistently ranked the freest state. Not all Free Staters are secessionists, but many are. The original essay in 2001 by FSP Founder, Jason Sorens, discussed using the threat of secession to gain more freedom from the federal government.
Within the Free State Movement, there are differing views of how best to achieve independence. For example, there is the Foundation for NH Independence, a federally recognized 501c3 whose mission is to advocate for the peaceful separation from the federal government, and then there is NHExit, a decentralized group of concerned individuals, and there’s the Club 75 Alliance, which promotes the idea of legally opting out of federal income tax. I’m sure there are even more flavors developing that I don’t know about… it’s an idea that is gaining in popularity as the federal government skids totally off the rails.
Some Free Staters are elected officials, and they have introduced bills and Constitutional amendments regarding secession, nullification, and reducing the size and scope of the federal government in NH. For example: a bill being heard in committee this week, HB 1156, will prohibit enforcement of any CDC and WHO regulations in New Hampshire.
2. Why do you believe that New Hampshire seceding from the United States is the best thing for NH residents?
First, I’m not sure it is, but we should have the right to start that discussion, explore our options, and allow Granite Staters to vote on it for themselves given all the pertinent facts. The federal debt is insurmountable. We need to get ahead of DC’s problems!
DC is a cesspool of corruption, illegal, undeclared wars, warrantless searches, and confiscatory taxation. The Elites have an insatiable appetite for power and control. When was something actually reformed in DC? Can you show me one problem DC has actually fixed? Ever…? We all suffered under their paranoid delusions during Covid, and saw how they put themselves and Big Pharma before any of us.
DC doesn’t work for ordinary Americans, and ‘We, The People’ are starting to notice.
New Hampshire has the makings of a prosperous and successful small country. Of the ten richest countries in the world, five are geographically smaller than New Hampshire. We have a strong, diversified economy, a border with Canada, and a deep sea port, making us ideally situated for international trade — including trade with the United States. We also have a nuclear plant which provides clean green energy to a large part of the Eastern seaboard, and there are plans to expand nuclear capabilities in NH, including a current bill introduced by a Free Stater to allow for small modular nuclear reactors.
3. What do you believe NH voters should think about when it comes to secession?
How much better their future could be! We have all been conditioned to only look for problems, not solutions, but I was drawn to the FSP because it is a solution-based approach that gives my life meaning.
Voters should think like this: What would it be like to build a new country? What would we need? What would be some of the challenges? This is exactly what HB 1130 was supposed to address. This bill would have created a study commission to start answering our neighbors’ legitimate questions and concerns. One I frequently hear is: “What would happen to my benefits?” This is a legitimate concern, but people forget, many American retirees live in foreign countries like Mexico already, and they still receive their benefits. My point is: Nothing is unsolvable, we just need the appetite to think outside the box!
4. Do you think there is a viable alternative to secession? If so, how likely do you think it is to happen?
I prefer the term “independence” to “secession,” because of the historical baggage of the term “secession”–people want to make it sound scary! But I also prefer “independence” because it’s a term that can be applied to oneself in a self-empowerment sense, as well as, to, well, more broadly, a new country.
Look, decentralization is the future. More countries exist now than ever before, and for the first time in history, because of advances in technology, humans can align according to values as well as geographically. The Free State of NH is both: A small, geographic area where people are embracing universal freedom, property rights, individual liberty, and personal responsibility. I’m trying to build a prosperous country along the lines of a “Switzerland of North America.”
I think we get people used to the idea of independence by talking about states’ rights and by nullifying overreaching federal regulations and agencies. You’ve already seen this happen with cannabis laws, and it is starting to happen with regard to immigration like we’re now seeing in Texas, and with the school choice movement over the past decade, and this could be extended even further to include things like nullifying the EPA, IRS, and SEC, say.
These days, people talk about “National Divorce,” and I think this is a useful framing to help the public understand the issues, but I don’t want an America divided solely into Red and Blue states, because ultimately, here in NH, we want a libertarian homeland: live and let live, mind your own business, keep what’s yours, and don’t be a jerk. Basically: “Don’t hurt people and don’t take their stuff”.
People seem to forget that the United States was supposed to be “laboratories of democracy,” where competition would allow the best ideas to rise. I want New Hampshire to become the beacon of liberty to remind people embracing freedom leads to human flourishing.
5. The NH legislature just rejected the latest attempt to get secession on the November ballot. Do you have any response to this rejection?
I view every attempt as a win! Candidly, this is an idea that will take years to gain general acceptance, but as long as the federal government keeps overreaching, the independence movement will continue to grow, both here in NH and in Texas, and elsewhere.
The question of New Hampshire’s independence should, however, rightfully be put in front of NH voters, and I will keep pushing for this. It is not up to the legislature to decide whether we stay or go, and this is where we need to focus our messaging… “Why should 424 people in Concord get to play gatekeeper on such a big issue? What right do they have to decide YOUR future for you?”
I’m confident this issue will continue to gain momentum. This is early days yet.
6. What do you tell critics who claim that secession is unconstitutional?
Meh. The people who say that have a 100% conflict of interest. How long does this so-called contract or compact last? Eternity? Has no other border ever changed or evolved? How was America born again? America is literally the result of some King Dude saying “You can’t secede”, so I say to people making similar arguments, Try again. By which I mean, “If at first you don’t secede, try, try, try again!” [lol]
7. What would secession look like, if it was successful? Like what are some immediate changes that would happen?
If Granite Staters voted overwhelmingly to become an independent nation state, NH will become a prosperous and peaceful country, along the lines of other small, successful countries like Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, or Switzerland. We would have four times the size of Iceland’s population, and no one ever tells them they’re not viable.
Easy border crossings for work and trade would be ensured, much like countries in the Schengen Area in Europe do. Many American retirees already receive their social security pensions in foreign countries like Mexico, so that could continue, assuming these programs aren’t entirely bankrupt (which is more likely given their current unspoken insolvency).
In general, Granite Staters would immediately be richer, no longer having to pay federal income taxes (NH is currently a net payer to the federal government). State and local governments would become open and transparent, and all government information collected would be available in searchable public databases.
Government services would be privatized over time, allowing the competitive nature of the free market to work, meaning services have become cheaper and better.
Competing currencies, including cryptocurrencies, would be allowed, thereby creating a robust new economy. Tourism would thrive because people from across the world would be drawn to see how the freest place on earth functions. Digital nomads can buy NH citizenship for the protections afforded by being a citizen of the greatest place on Earth. (:P)
8. Is there anything else you would like to add?
Imagine it’s 300 years ago in Europe, and a village peasant is like, “Yo, Dude, wanna get in early on Switzerland?”
Now imagine I’m that peasant saying, “Care to still get in early on the freest place on earth?”
That’s what I’m trying to accomplish. Let’s let go of the things that are no longer serving us…like the federal government, and let’s embrace a beautiful and better future: the Free State. First New Hampshire, then the world.
In this video, Carla Gericke testifies in support of HB 1130 to create a study commission to explore whether NH should secede from the Union. Supporters and opponents of independence, rightfully, have questions! Let’s get the conversation started!
Honorable Chair and Committee Members,
Thank you for your time today. My name is Carla Gericke. I am the chairwoman and president emeritus of the Free State Project, a movement that is concentrating tens of thousands of liberty lovers in the state of New Hampshire. I am a naturalized citizen, originally from South Africa, and an author, activist, and attorney.
I was the Republican nominee for NH Senate in District 20, and received 46% of the vote in 2020, and in 2022 I ran for NH state house in Ward 11 in Manchester, and lost by about 200 votes. I am a proud Granite Stater because more than 15 years ago, I consciously picked NH as my forever home because of the “Live Free or Die” ethos of our great state.
I am here to testify IN SUPPORT OF HB1130.
Last year, pro-independence supporters caught a lot of flack… we heard your feedback and drafted HB1130 in order to try to address concerns expressed by the legislature.
It is fair to say, we don’t have all the answers yet. But we should start having the conversations. It’s worth letting our imaginations soar…
Let’s say,
As an independent nation state, NH will be prosperous and peaceful, along the lines of small, successful countries like Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, or Switzerland. We would have four times the size of Iceland’s population. We would easily be able to work with our neighbors to trade, much like the countries do in the Schengen Area in Europe. Many American retirees already receive their social security pensions in foreign countries like Mexico.
A study committee would create a SAFE SPACE to explore the ideas of NH sovereignty. Could we run on nuclear and export energy? Could we have competing currencies? Could we become the crypto capitol of the world? Could we be the Switzerland of the North? The only thing stopping us from becoming even more awesome is the federal government destroying our wealth.
This study committee would be a good compromise between the two positions. I know you all want the idea of peaceful secession to go away, but here’s the reality. It isn’t going to, and the urgency is going to become more and more pronounced.
Why? Because $40 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt is NOT sustainable. The federal government’s hamfisted response to Covid showed us all, they have NO RESPECT for you as an individual or as an American, and definitely not as a Granite Stater–to them, we are the equivalent of District 12 in the Hunger Games. They claimed they owned your body and could force you to do things against your will.
I say NO. I say reclaim YOUR RIGHT OF CONSCIENCE, and support this bill so that we are not caught flatfooted or rushing around in a mad panic when the time comes.
Let us PLAN. Let us have hard discussions now. Let us start to grapple with the very real risks for what a future yoked to the federal government looks like: more harm, more poverty, more decline in our standards of living.
We can do better.
We demand better.
We know there are better options.
It starts with an appetite for change.
It starts here today.
It starts with you.
It starts with the bravery to do the right thing for Granite Staters and start the conversation. I implore you to support HB 1130. My great-grandmother was imprisoned in a British concentration camp during the Anglo-Boer War in South Africa, where 25% of Boer women and children died. She always talked about the 5 Ps: Proper preparation prevents poor performance. Let’s prepare properly for our futures together, please.
I’d be happy to answer any questions.
NH is considering a Constitutional amendment, CACR 20, to peaceably secede from the US if the national debt reaches 40 trillion dollars. This is my testimony in favor of the bill on January 12, 2024 before NH’s State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee.
My testimony for CACR 20: Secede if national debt exceeds $40 trillion
Honorable Chair and Committee Members,
Thank you for your time today. My name is Carla Gericke. I am the chairwoman and president emeritus of the Free State Project, a movement that is concentrating tens of thousands of liberty lovers in the state of New Hampshire. I am a naturalized US citizen, originally from South Africa, and I am an author, activist, and attorney.
I was the Republican nominee for NH Senate in District 20, and received 46% of the vote in 2020, and in 2022 I ran for NH state house in Ward 11 in Manchester, and lost by about 200 votes. I am a proud Granite Stater because more than 15 years ago, I consciously picked NH as my forever home because of the “Live Free or Die” ethos of our great state.
I am testifying today in SUPPORT of CACR 20, which is similar to last session’s CACR 32, the original independence bill put forth, except, this time, the sponsors added a qualifying event, a trigger, stating that if the Federal Government’s debt reaches 40 TRILLION DOLLARS, NH can proceed to PEACEFULLY secede.
Let’s stand still with that insurmountable and almost unfathomable number for a second.
Million seconds = 11.5 DAYS
Billion seconds = 32 YEARS
Trillion seconds = 31,000 YEARS
The federal government has failed us.
It no longer follows the Constitution.
Ushers in Undeclared, unconstitutional wars.
Ushers in inflation, devaluing our money by almost 100%. If you feel like you are getting poorer, you are. If you feel like you can’t get ahead, you can’t, and this is SQUARELY the fault of the federal government’s monetary policy.
Look at the Coivdmania response. The farther the center of control is from the people, the worse it is for people. A smaller, more responsive government accountable to Granite Staters is what CACR20 will give us.
Granite Staters are being abused by DC. What do we advise victims to do when they are being abused?
Last time I was here on this issue, I spoke about a NATIONAL DIVORCE. Since then, this issue has started trending.
But more troubling, you are starting to see the idea of CIVIL WAR trending too. This is a problem.
We who support NATIONAL DIVORCE DO NOT SUPPORT VIOLENCE. In fact, we are here today, and will continue to work on this issue because
VIOLENCE is the tool of authoritarians, tyrants, and control freaks. In other words, it is the tool of the federal government and bad people who support killing people they disagree with.
Instead of telling us you will punch us in the face or lock us in the basement if we try to leave, let’s start having open and honest discussions about what needs to take place.
We have the right to ask for a DIVORCE. This is all today’s proposed amendment is: an opportunity–a DEMOCRATIC OPPORTUNITY–for Granite Staters to decide whether our relationship with the federal government is worth salvaging.
I say it is NOT, and everyone should know, we would ALL be better off if we went our separate ways.
What are we taught about abusers?
They will tell you, you can never leave.
They will tell you they will change.
They will tell you it’s your fault.
We all know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again. It is insane to place your trust in a government who is creating this much debt. Imagine if you ran your household like this?
As an elected official, it is YOUR duty to at least create an OPPORTUNITY for Granite Staters to DECIDE our own destinies.
We have a right to decide, as enshrined in the New Hampshire Constitution, whether to stay with this sinking ship, or chart our own, new, better and brighter future.
No future challenge related to independence is insurmountable: Where there is a will, there is a way.
Today, your ONLY duty is to democracy, which every single one of you claims to support. YOU need to vote in favor of this OPPORTUNITY because it is NOT up to you. It is up to individual Granite Staters.
We are called the live free or die state. When we become independent, we will also be the Live Free and THRIVE state. Afford us the opportunity to TRY. Thank you for your time, I’d be happy to answer questions.