This one is a wild ramble but I do cover the listed topics and fill you in on my oral surgery yesterday. Go New Carla! 🙂
Day 45 of My Living Xperiment: Join me now for the Friday 420 Ramble… self-ownership, cold showers, and who knows?!?
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) February 14, 2025
Discover the power of self-ownership! Join me for Day 7 of My Living Experiment.
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) January 7, 2025
Where is your locus of focus? Do you own yourself?
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) January 5, 2025
During Covidmania, when I watched people play flutes through slits cut in masks, I asked, should we be indulging this hysterical insanity on full display, or nay?
Control Freaks told me one should “go along to get along” (with their public psychosis) for the “greater good.”
This was the moment when I realized what Statism has wrought: What used to be public spaces that belonged to “society”, the “public square”–public spaces–have been taken over by the most fringe elements, and have become legitimate insane asylums. Like LITERALLY, the insane, driven to distraction through manufactured fear, have taken over the streets, turning our neighborhoods into “their asylums”.
They took over our public spaces and regular public discourse, and silenced everyone who pointed out how ridiculous and nuts their response was.
Remember, a person in a lab coat telling you germs don’t work when you’re sitting at a restaurant table but do when you are walking to the loo, is still fucking nuts.
In fact, Mad Scientism, is a historical trope for a reason. It would behoove us to remember that.
During Covidmania, when I watched people play flutes through slits cut in masks, I asked, should we be indulging this hysterical insanity on full display, or nay?
— Carla Gericke, Live Free And Thrive! (@CarlaGericke) October 7, 2024
Control Freaks told me one should "go along to get along" (with their public psychosis) for the "greater good."…
We deep dive into Joyce Craig’s remarkably bad WMUR interview (see for yourself) and discuss who else is running for seats this November. Carla tries to parse out the cognitive dissonance in progressives’ thinking… What is self-ownership?
What if government is filled with a combination of narcissists, liars, paranoids, and voyeurs? What if government is designed to attract the worst kind of people, people whose deepest desire is to control other people’s behavior–YOURS.
They think they know better and they’re going to make you do what they want.
Under normal circumstances, we recognize this as bullying and know it shouldn’t be encouraged… We know that is a bad personality trait and bullies should be avoided…
And yet…
You accept that government officials and bureaucrats think they can tell you what to do in almost every aspect of your life now… They think they’re the boss of you… Like an… owner? Like they own you?
I was recently interviewed by NBC10Boston and was genuinely surprised when the host claimed (paraphrasing) that trans people have superior rights to libertarians because it was an innate trait/”they were born that way”. [See starting around minute 23:10 to end for that discussion.]
This has been bothering me for weeks…
I was born free.
Weren’t you?
If you don’t think humans are born free, who do you think owns you/a part of you?
How much of you?
What percent?
Does that change over your lifetime?
How may your owners divest of you?
Does consent matter?
Does it have to be informed consent or can they experiment on you because they own a part (or all) of you?
These are questions worth grappling with. Don’t accept your government has the authority it is claiming over you. They will take everything you concede and more.
Either you fight for your freedom now, or you are, or will, be a slave, and be warned: Government is a fickle master.
As more and more truth about vaccine harm comes out, we have a massive opportunity for outreach. Watch this testimony on Twitter.
So many of you should feel so stupid..
— Alan Roberts (@TheMFingCOO) October 6, 2022
Every person harmed by a vaccine mandate, whether physically or economically, or both, is now a potential liberty ally.
My vaccine skepticism started in earnest after being forced in 2008 to get an MMR vaccine in order to graduate from CCNY. I had gone through the entire program, managing to neither get the mandated unnecessary jab (as an immigrant to USA I’d had several before, I just couldn’t find the paperwork) nor did I give anyone at City College measles, mumps, or rubella.
The administration did not find my line of reasoning compelling, and refused to issue my M.F.A. degree without proof of vaccination.
So… despite not wanting to, but knowing I needed proof of the degree and that I was soon moving to the Free State of NH… I caved.
So I understand how you might feel right now.
After getting this coerced vaccine, which at least has a “safety” track record, unlike these ethics-violating mRNA treatments, I developed many new negative health issues:
I’d never had allergies before, but I became very susceptible to seasonal allergies.
I gained more than 50 lbs, despite not really changing my diet (I was still eating carbs at the time).
I started having severe joint pain, especially in my knees and lower back. I chalked this up to the weight gain. I started drinking more alcohol to mitigate.
I had low-energy, which I treated with… more alcohol… using my addiction as the “cheese” to get out of the house and get my projects done.
Only after reclaiming my health by switching to a keto diet made up of whole, low-carb foods, ditching alcohol (a depressive and neurotoxin), and getting enough sleep, was I able to reverse the harm I know developed from that unnecessary MMR vax in 2008.
Every symptom I suffered from is caused by inflammation, your own body fighting you.
THIS is part of the reason I refused to get vaccinated based on someone else’s “orders.” Never again.
I believe in self-ownership. This means you own your body and I own mine, and only I, based on my own conscience and consciousness, will decide what to treat myself with. Never again will some bureaucrat tell me what to inject or ingest.
Perhaps you are learning this the hard way too.
If you are experiencing negative health outcomes, no matter how mild or strong, I hope you have learned an incredibly valuable lesson about your own body, mind, and spirit.
Freedom matters.
Self-ownership matters.
The right to decide everything relating to your own body for yourself on your terms, matters.
Because if that’s not “allowed” anymore… ask yourself… who owns you, and where does it end?
I have a theory about life… we are all just trying to manage what we have grown addicted to…
We’ve trained ourselves to tamp down the gift of higher consciousness and instead insatiably feed our addictions.
Some are obvious & understood, like this lady depicted here (well done!!!), but no one wants to talk about America’s addiction to alcohol, sugar, attention-deficiency, or statism.
All life boils down to, is, how are you spending your time? Where is your attention focused? If you are honest with yourself, is your attention on that next “fix,” whether it be meth or a candy bar or that third glass of wine?
Newsflash: bad habits reduce happiness and good habits enhance happiness, and the only difference between the two IS WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO FEED.
Know this, your choices today will result in who you become and what your long term health becomes. You should be asking yourself questions like, where does dementia come from? How does chronic sugar “use” impact my health?
The “cleaner” I live, the more obvious it is to me, and the easier healthier choices become. Just like making poor choices have bad outcomes, making better choices lead to happier outcomes.
In my life, primarily over the past 5 years, I have:
* Quit alcohol
* Switched to a low-carb lifestyle and significantly reduced my sugar consumption
* Lost 50+ lbs and kept it off
* Eliminated ruminating anxiety
* Improved my sleep
* Become “whole” by which I mean my idea of me and the me I present in the world are the same… AKA I live my life with personal integrity because that’s what keeping promises to yourself is (what you tell yourself and what you do are aligned)
I’m not a superhero. I’m not exceptional in this regard. I simply took a hard look at my life, decided there were things I didn’t like (or liked too much), and then, like this woman did to quit her addictions, I made changes and–this is the key–STUCK TO THEM.
The first step is making yourself one simple promise, maybe it’s no candy during the week, or a promise to cook all meals at home, or getting 7+ hours of sleep… Find one thing you can do and then DO IT!
Write down your promise TO YOURSELF and then just do that one thing. This is how good habits are developed, the same way bad ones are: through repetition.
I believe the world would be a better place if we expended vastly more efforts on making ourselves better rather than trying to “fix” or “help” others. I believe you shouldn’t work on anything beyond yourself until you are “whole”.
Not “complete,” because we are forever evolving, growing, changing and striving, but when you feel that sense of self, an awareness of your relationship with YOURSELF, a deep sense of consciousness, and self-ownership, i.e. that YOU are responsible for YOU, you’ll know. THEN, you can start to focus externally.
Wishing you success and joy on this journey. Remember, it’s a CHOICE to Live Free and Thrive!
Ep. 6: The Carla Gericke Show Sits Down with PorcFest XIX Organizer Dennis Pratt (11/17/21)
Join me for an in-depth chat with Dennis Pratt, a philosopher and gentleman. We talk about his “Coming to NH” story, some of the myriad of projects he is working on, including an upcoming Seacoast bus tour and comedy festival in December at the SHELL, and what you can expect at PorcFest XIX.
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