Health is wealth, and your habits create your reality. How are you taking care of yourself? In this last episode of the season, we talk about Tammy’s Ozempic weight-loss journey, Big Pharma, good habits, New Year’s resolutions, and more!
The Good Life
This week on Manch Talk, we cover several topics from satanic statutes at the State House, to school choice and the City of Manchester’s billion dollar proposal for a new school (no thanks!). We delve into the controversy of American holiday greetings and salutations, and rip off a few BandAids!
Few things make me happier than seeing the heart of PorcFest and the libertarian movement–the community–we are building in New Hampshire well-captured. Great to see so many movers I know featured, and fantastic job by Dennis Pratt, David Friedman (nice chocolate chip cookies shout out!), and Matthew Barney, a recent mover who is working on
Last night’s New Hampshire Liberty Alliance dinner, fondly called “Liberty Prom,” was a blast!
Congratulations to Legislator of the Year and soon to be NH Senator Emily Phillips and Activist of the Year, Jeremy Olson, who currently runs the Merrimack Valley Porcupines meeting, held on the first Saturday of the month at the Quill.
Huge shout out to Melissa and Jeffrey Creem for their continued and stalwart support and efforts with the NHLA!
To everyone who made last night a smashing success, THANK YOU. It is because of the relentless efforts of freedom fighters like you that NH will forever remain the Free State!
Live free or die, live free and thrive!
Check out these photos and feel free to tag yourself!
Back after a short break, this week we cover a lot of philosophical ground. What does the Golden Rule mean to you? Treat others as you want to be treated or… treat people the way they treat you? Also, Trump’s assassination attempt, weight loss medicines, and more!
Last night, a bunch of Free Staters who are in Vegas for Freedom Fest decided to go on a side quest to Area 15, where the amazing Omega Mart interactive art installation is. While you don’t have to be on ‘schrooms to appreciate this awe inspiring experience, it doesn’t hurt! (It doesn’t, according to the two young gentlemen I encountered who claimed they’d been there for 4 hours. I did eventually see them leave right after me.)
You enter into a Wonka-wonky supermarket. Instinctively, I headed straight to the vegetable section. Hardwired good habits FTW! The first thing that caught my eye was the large pile of avocados… I headed over and picked one up. It crumbled in my hand. Empty. A coin purse! From there, I knew I was in for a fun, mind-bending, delightful and surprising adventure!
From there, of course, you’ll need to make sure you’re stocked on laundry detergent and other household goods.
And snacks! (And emergency clams! Because EVERYONE needs emergency clams!)
In the meat section, you start to get a sense things may soon start to go awry soon… As you slide past the plastic guards into a portal, a portal into another world…
To be continued…
Squee! PorcFest is coming up! This, the Year of Our Porcupine 2024, is the first time since 2009 that I have not helped load the PorcFest truck.
I have mixed feelings about this. The “people pleaser” in me (that I’m slowly murdering) is panicking that I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE. The “I’m growing into new and different things” part of me is sighing a deep sigh of relief.
I am deeply grateful to everyone who showed up. Thank you!
I am grateful the Free State Project has grown to where I don’t feel personally responsible for every single thing that happens (or doesn’t happen).
I am grateful to all the leaders who have stepped up over the years to make PorcFest the amazing success it has become. To each and every one of you who have come before, THANK YOU.
A special thank you to Constance Spencer, Olga Sorens and Chris Lopez for being the Dream Team this year to bring us such a laudable PorcFest XXI lineup, with liberty luminaries like Ron Paul (virtual), Naomi Wolf, Jeffrey Tucker, and a host of other incredible speakers and thinkers. I can’t wait to learn new things!
Please come visit me at the Team Porcupine Real Estate OWN Hub at RV-74, where we will be doing talks starting on Wednesday about NH real estate, investing, short term rentals, buying land, etc.
As my focus shifts from day-to-day FSP management (hallelujah, Eric Brakey!) I am eager to help new movers find their home. Check out Porcupine Real Estate’s LIBERTARIANS UNITE newspaper on the campground for fascinating articles, and our full weekly schedule. Free coffee onsite every morning!
This is going to be the best PorcFest… YET!
How do I know? That YET is important. That YET is doing a lot of work. That YET is the key to a growth mindset and is a very important key to excellent interpersonal relationships when dealing with voluntary teams.
Because that “yet” allows you to include everyone who has come before while anticipating the improvements and innovations that will be revealed this year. That “yet” honors all the people who have contributed to making TWENTY ONE YEARS of PorcFests happen.
So many egos.
So much drama.
But here’s the reality, guys… THIS IS JUST LIFE.
There is NO PERFECT MOMENT. There is NO UTOPIA. There is NO VALHALLA. There is no ONE DAY I’LL…
There is only NOW, and what YOU are doing in every moment.
Yes, PorcFest is a fun time to let your hair down, but it is also YOUR chance to practice mindful personal responsibility.
The flip-side of freedom is HOW ARE YOU SHOWING UP IRL?
Please be considerate of your fellow campers. Please respect the campgrounds 11PM silence (yes, you need to switch off your music). If you want to hang and chat, there is only one spot: down on the field at the bonfire.
Live free, but also, don’t be an asshole.
Let’s get rocking for a weeklong celebration of our beautiful project. Let’s put our best feet forward to embrace and welcome potential Porcupines to our libertarian homeland. Let’s show up with beauty and love. Let’s shine like the beacon of liberty we are. It starts and ends, with YOU!