The FDA’s recommended Standard American Diet (SAD) is based on super shady “science.” You should eat very little carbs or sugar, and invert the Food Pyramid if you want to be healthy (high good fats, medium protein, and low carbs). The law of economics says, the more you subsidize something, the more of it you will get. The government subsidizes corn and sugar. Americans suffer from *self-inflicted chronic* metabolic disease at an alarming rate, almost 50% of Americans are obese, and THIS is the advice that is being given? Here’s the reality: The Big Biz/Big Gov cronyism is so corrupt now, it is safe to say, if you want to live a long and healthy life, do the opposite of what these clowns recommend. Whatever you do: Stop the denial; it serves no one, least of all you. Get yourself weighed, get on a decent diet (I recommend paleo/keto), and get yourself well. Please.