Look at that headline! Could they have made the words “DEATH” any bigger? This is your local paper exploiting your fears, created mostly by them and their cohorts in the mainstream media, in order to sell you another damn copy of a DYING paper. (See? Two can play that game, lamestream!)
Now that the Covid-19 death narrative is on the wane, now that Americans are reaching their fill and are getting fed up, it’s time for… a new old bogeyman…
This Sunday, we give you a steadfast, regular, go-to culprit… MEXICAN CARTELS! This time, for METH, because, I guess now that marijuana is medicine, it isn’t sufficiently scary anymore, and they have pretty much exhausted the opium/heroin/fentanyl angle (for now, anyway), so let’s give you, Dear Reader, something familiar, and also new, and also DEADLY, DEADLY, DEADLY… let’s give you… meth-death-porn…
Are YOU terrified yet? If not, what are you waiting for? You know what to do! You need to consume more news!!! Or, yanno… you could follow my advice…