If YOU haven’t watch this video, do eeeeeeet!!! Yes, it’s two years old, but it’s by far the most personally meaningful video I’ve made, touching on all my core issues: liberty > security; privacy and transparency; police accountability and resisting an authoritarian police state; vices are not crimes; and keeping NH awesome!
The issues are fresh af, and after 2020, I think civil libertarians agree, we WILL NOT give up our rights to scared, conditioned, passively obedient, non-thinking people. Sorry.
In this clip, near the end after I ask the genuine question, “When you watch The Matrix, who do you root for? Because in real life, too many people are rooting for Agent Smith!”, I talk about the evolution of signs I have personally made in my dozen+ years of liberty activism in the Free State of NH: Don’t taze me, bro Don’t tax me, bro Don’t lock me down, bro Don’t spy on me, bro Don’t teargas me, bro
Now, sadly, I’ll have to add these: DON’T LOCK ME DOWN, BIG BRO DON’T VAXX ME, BIG BRO and… YOU DON’T OWN MY PIE-HOLE, KAREN