A friend recently shared the following public post, in which she lamented how “society” treats you differently depending on certain factors. Here was my response…
May I suggest that there is no “how society perceives X” but only how YOU perceive X in relation to YOU.
Hear me out: I was half-watching a YouTube and heard this guru say, “There are no irritating ppl.” I threw down my dish towel, well, irritated. I rewound and listened again. “There are no irritating people because irritation is something you do to yourself.”
It was a huge “aha!” moment for me, which is why I am sharing.
I doubt “society” or anyone you are coming into contact is actually thinking about you or your appearance in any meaningful way.
But it is something that is bothering YOU. You are generating these feelings, understandably, and then projecting them externally.
What would happen if you flipped how YOU feel, which I understand is hard but it sounds like you are already doing that. More self-acceptance and self-love, less “other people are making me feel X”?
Idk if my observation is valuable to you but if I’ve irritated you with my response, whose “fault” is that?