Under what legal authority can Democrat Adam Schiff tell Amazon to remove documentaries from its site? Back in 2019, i.e. before Covidmania kicked in, Schiff sent a letter to Bezos demanding that three documentaries be removed from Amazon.
According to The Hill:
“Schiff sent a letter addressed to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on Friday urging the company to block ‘harmful” content from being allowed to ‘thrive and spread.’
‘There is strong evidence to suggest that at least part of the source of this trend is the degree to which medically inaccurate information about vaccines surface on the websites where many Americans get their information, among them Amazon,’ Schiff wrote to Bezos.”

Inquiring minds want to know: Who gets to decide what is “harmful content”? How is this even vaguely legal? Why are corporations doing the government’s censorship for it? What are they trying to hide? What is the “rabbit hole” on vaccines the Regime is so petrified of?
A lawsuit against Schiff was filed in 2020, asking, Who made Schiff “censor-in-chief”?
The DC Kangaroo Court recently declined to hear the case, saying, ““Appellants offer no causal link that suggests it was an isolated inquiry by a single Member of Congress that prompted policy changes across multiple unrelated social media platforms.” See Reason’s Volokh Conspiracy: D.C. Circuit Rejects Lawsuit Over Rep. Adam Schiff’s 2019 Requests to Internet Companies to Deal with “Vaccine-Related Misinformation.” My take? Suuuuuuuuure, must be a pure coincidink.
I was wondering whether this censorship of privately-made documentaries on private platforms was permanent, or perhaps whether the movies were again available. To that end, I used my TV’s voice command this morning to see whether they are back on Amazon now, to no avail. Not only that, but when I specifically asked for one of the movie titles, “Shoot ‘Em Up: The Truth About Vaccines,” the prompt gave me Jack Ryan instead. If that’s a CI troll, it’s not their worst.

I’m going to hunt down these movies and will report back what I learn. In the meantime, I did recently finish reading the anonymously published TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN. Fascinating read, which posits that the entire vaccine industry is built on lie upon lie with NO scientific basis for efficacy–which seems true based on the research presented–but I still need to do more reading to decide definitively what I think.
While I am still learning, here is what I’m pondering:
- The Regime is working very hard to hide *something* about vaccines–Why? What?
- Where do autoimmune diseases come from?
- Before the mid-80s, SIDS–Sudden Infant Death–didn’t exist. SIDS–I personally remember story after tragic story being “seeded” in local South African magazines–became prevalent after the government started mandating vaccines…
- The Insurance industry at the time REFUSED TO INSURE VACCINES because they deemed the product unsafe. In case you were wondering, this is why the government is the insurer of last resort for vaccine harm. They pay less than 2% of filed claims.
- What causes autism?
- Why did they go after Jenny McCarthy so hard? Remember that?
- Given where we are currently with the C19 vaccines, the harm coming out, why are we accepting such a massive “rabbit hole” in “science” that is mandated by the government against generally understood bodily autonomy?
- We MUST get to the truth so that we can fix the problem. In the interim, I will NOT be getting ANY vaccines going forward, and I highly recommend you don’t either.